Conclusion (For detailed astrological analysis read the analysis section):
Taliban can even create disturbances in Kashmir beginning from present till May 2023. The Government should take all precautions to save our borders and see that Kashmir is saved from the clutches of Taliban.
My last five articles with respect to Afghanistan, were first in April 2020 title “Beginning of Muslim Era, Past uprisings and future” (, it was about various countries whose governments (of which Afghanistan was mentioned) are likely to be toppled;
the second article was on August 8, 2021 titled “Afghanistan – takeover by Taliban” (;
the third article was on August 14, 2021 titled “Pakistan – will Taliban percolate into Pakiatan”(;
the fourth article was on August 16, 2021 titled “USA wars – Past and Future” (;
the fifth article was titled “NATO – will it strike back?” (;
This article is on whether is there any threat to our sacred Kashmir because of Taliban. Will Pakistan, which has been frequently meddling in Kashmir, will it with the help of Taliban create fear and threat in Kashmir. All these will be analysed in this astro-analysis. While doing the analysis, I will be using chart of Kashmir Accension of October 27, 1947 at 13:21:43 IST at Srinagar.
First let us analyse the Kashmir Accension of 1947. The chart is given below.

The Instrument of Accession is a legal document executed by Maharaja Hari Singh, ruler of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, on 26 October 1947. By executing this document under the provisions of the Indian Independence Act 1947, Maharaja Hari Singh agreed to accede to the Dominion of India. In a letter sent to Maharaja Hari Singh on 27 October 1947, the then Governor-General of India, Lord Mountbatten accepted the accession with a remark, “it is my government’s wish that as soon as law and order have been restored in Jammu and Kashmir and her soil cleared of the invader the question of the State’s accession should be settled by a reference to the people.” Lord Mountbatten’s remark and the offer made by the Government of India to conduct a plebiscite or referendum to determine the future status of Kashmir led to a dispute between India and Pakistan regarding the legality of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India. India claims that the accession is unconditional and final while Pakistan maintains that the accession is fraudulent. The accession to India is celebrated on Accession Day, which is held annually on 26 October. (Source –
On August 5, 2019, the Parliament of India voted in favour of a resolution tabled by Home Minister Amit Shah to revoke the temporary special status, or autonomy, granted under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution to Jammu and Kashmir—a region administered by India as a state which consists of the larger part of Kashmir which has been the subject of dispute among India, Pakistan, and China since 1947.
On August 5, 2019, the transits with respect to the above Kashmir Accension chart reveals it all. The dasa was of Mars/Rahu. The natal Jupiter is connected with natal Mars. The transit Jupiter was Rx in Scorpio at 20.26 degrees in the 11th house. The Jupiter in the natal chart signifies houses 3rd, 12th and 10th. This Jupiter was in exact trine to natal Mars in sign Cancer in the 7th house at 21.15 degrees.
The natal Mars is connected with Saturn. The transit Mars was in Cancer at 27.36 degrees in exact conjunction with natal Saturn in Cancer at 28.14 degrees. It was the dasa of Mars too.
The 2nd house and 10th house are aspected by Mars in the natal chart. The transit Mars was in Cancer at 27.36 degrees aspecting the natal 10th house and the 2nd house.
Now, let us analyse the future transits with respect to natal planets and whether Taliban will be able to create any disturbances in the Kashmir region.
There are many planets in the signs Scorpio and Libra, and also Moon in Pisces. The transit Ketu is currently in Scorpio at 11.42 degrees. It will afflict the natal Moon in Pisces at 9.12 degrees in the 2nd house. The exact affliction will be by October 2021. Thereafter, transit Ketu will afflict natal Jupiter in Scorpio at 7.32 degrees in the 10th house. The exact affliction of Jupiter by Ketu will be by December 2021. Thereafter, transit Ketu serially will afflict the natal planets placed in the sign Libra, namely, Mercury, Venus and the Sun at last. These planets in Libra (except Mercury) are connected with natal Ketu, and hence the effect of transit Ketu on these planets will be very bad. The affliction by Ketu to the natal Sun finally be exact by May 2023.
Therefore, the Taliban can even create disturbances in Kashmir beginning from present till May 2023. The Government should take all precautions to save our borders and see that Kashmir is saved from the clutches of Taliban.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: September 3, 2021
Time: 5.00 PM, Mumbai, India
(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)