The planet Pluto is exactly going over the cusp of the Ascendant of the Muslim Era natal chart. It will be going back and forth near the Ascendant at least till the next year June 2021. During this time there are certainly going to be some disturbances in the following countries due to Uprising, which have the Ascendant rising in Capricorn, or Moon in Capricorn, or Sun in Capricorn or the MC (10th house of Governance) in Capricorn. The transit of Pluto between 20 degrees and 30 degrees of Capricorn is important.
The countries ruled as per the book titled “Book on Mundane astrology” written by H S Green and Rapheal are, India (as per the ancient sages, the sign of India is Capricorn. Though the exact degree rising is not known. Therefore, the transit of Pluto till such time it is in Capricorn is not good for India), Afganistan, and Punjab (Indian part of Punjab and could also be some parts of Pakistan).
Further, as per the Book of World Horoscopes, by Nicholas Campion the following countries have their Ascendant rising in Capricorn between 20 degrees to 30 degrees. These UK, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and France.
The MC (the 10th house of Government) between 20 degrees to 30 degrees of Capricorn are ruled by Egypt, Afganisthan, Australia, Germany, Thailand, and Russia. In these countries there can be toppling of existing Governments.
The Moon between 20 degrees to 30 degrees of Capricorn is ruled by, USA (July 2, 1776 chart). The Moon is an alternate and next important pivot next to Ascendant.
The Sun between 20 degrees and 30 degrees of Capricorn is ruled by Saudi Arabia, New Zealand and Germany.
The Moslem Era is dated from Sunset, July 16, 622 AD, the traditional date of Mohammed’s arrival in Medina. Inspite of the fact that Mohammed in fact arrived in Medina on July 2, 622 AD, the beginning of the Moslem Era describes the future of Islam and therefore the chart for July 16, 622 AD, at 6.45 pm, in Medina is drawn up. (This data is as per the well known book titled “Book of World Horoscopes”, by Nicholas Campion). The chart is given below.

The above chart is peculiar. Almost all the planets are seen in the sign of Leo (desire to rule, fixity of thoughts, aggressive, force, fiery disposition) 7th house (desire to be in the lime light for right or wrong reasons). The analysis of the natal chart without taking into account the aspects. The Ascendant is Capricorn, the primary motivation is to gain security for oneself. Essentially a pragmatist, will put duty and responsibility before one’s heart’s inclinations. Moon in the sign Leo, have an emotional need to be liked and acknowledged, coupled with a strong need to give and receive affection. Often find at the centre of attention, whether one want it or not. One can be just domineering. Can be prone to extravagance and exaggeration. Moon in 7th House – Motivated to form unions and emotional harmony is important in personal relationships. Women feature strongly in life. Mercury in the sign Leo, Self-assured communicator and a strong-minded person with firm convictions and fixed opinions. As being expressive and forceful in the manner of communicating, people will follow lead. Mars in the sign of Virgo, the Goals and actions are usually practical and useful. Are economical in the expenditure of energy. Precise and exacting, are motivated to do the best one can at any task. Approach projects in a logical and methodical manner. Tend to get angry or irritable when routines are upset or things don’t go as per plan. Mars in 8th House – Have strong survival instincts and react quickly to threatening or risky situations. Act recklessly and defiantly, yet instinctively know how far to take things. Facing perilous situations can give an adrenalin rush. Jupiter in the sign Pisces, have a compassionate and benevolent nature, coupled with an abundance of good intentions. Often motivated by altruistic and idealistic inclinations and knows how to give unconditionally. Have an interest in metaphysical subjects. Jupiter in the 2nd house can result in tendencies toward greed and overindulgence, possessiveness, etc. Saturn in Leo, have a strong desire for recognition and prominence in life, coupled with the urge to gain positions of power and leadership. The planet Pluto in Aries, will have aggressive and dominating powers, in the form of fanatical leaders or dictatorships. Equally, one may personally display dictatorial tendencies and extreme individualism. Belong to an age group of hardy pioneers. Pluto in 3rd House, signifies powerful need to express one’s thoughts and ideas. Strong communicator who has the power to convince others of one’s views and opinions. Relations neighbours can sometimes be intense and problematic.
Events (These events are picked up from the Wikipedia)
- Darul Islam rebellion – Date August 7, 1949 – September 2, 1962, Location – Indonesia, mainly in West Java, Aceh and South Sulawesi. The Darul Islam rebellion was a war waged between 1949 and 1962 by the Islamic State of Indonesia, commonly known as Darul Islam, to establish an Islamic state in Indonesia. The rebellion began when Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo, a nationalist who had resisted the Dutch during the Indonesian National Revolution, refused to recognize the new Republic of Indonesia. Instead, he proclaimed the establishment of the Islamic State of Indonesia on August 7, 1949. Kartosuwirjo led Darul Islam’s war against the Indonesian government for 13 years before he was captured by the Indonesian Army in 1962 and executed in 1965. After he was captured, Kartosuwirjo issued orders for his followers to surrender, although some pockets of resistance remained in Southeast Sulawesi until 1965. When Indonesia regained independence from the Dutch in 1949, Kartosuwirjo refused to disband his militia. He proclaimed the establishment of the Islamic State of Indonesia on August 7, 1949, and named himself as its imam. His group was supported by many Indonesians, including Daud Beureueh, the governor of Aceh, who would become the vice imam of the group in 1955. (Beureueh surrendered to the government in 1957.) Elements of the Indonesian Army deserted and joined Darul Islam.

The transit planetary combinations with natal planets those led to the uprising are as follows;
The transit planet Pluto which is the cause of mass destruction is in Leo (Objective of gaining power) in the 7th house (Open war) of the chart. The natal Jupiter (Planet of religion) is afflicted by transit Saturn from Virgo (well planned), the 8th house (destruction).
2. Islamist uprising in Syria– Date 16 June 1979 – 28 February 1982 (2 years, 8 months, 1 week and 5 days), Location – Damascus, Hama, Aleppo, Palmyra and Jisr ash-Shugur. The Islamist uprising in Syria comprised a series of revolts and armed insurgencies by Sunni Islamists, mainly members of the Muslim Brotherhood from 1976 until 1982. The uprising was aimed against the authority of the secular Ba’ath Party-controlled government of Syria, in what has been called a “long campaign of terror”. During the violent events Islamists attacked both civilians and off-duty military personnel, and civilians were also killed in retaliatory strike by security forces. The uprising reached its climax in the 1982 Hama uprising.

The natal planet Jupiter in the 2nd house is conjunct Nodes and is in Opposition to transit Saturn in Virgo (Meticulous, planning, determination) in the 8th house (destruction). The transit planet Pluto is in the sign Libra (war, desire for creating image for self) in the 9th house (of religion). The transit Neptune in Sagittarius (war, religion, etc) in the 11th house (desire) is sesquiquadrate to natal Saturn in the 7th house in Leo.
3. The Siege of Mecca – On November 20th, 1979, a group of Islamic militants seized Islam’s holiest site — the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Siege of Mecca: The Forgotten Uprising in Islam’s Holiest Shrine and the Birth of Al Qaeda is a 2007 book by Wall Street Journal correspondent Yaroslav Trofimov about the 1979 Grand Mosque seizure in Mecca. Hundreds of Islamic radicals led by Saudi preacher Juhayman al-Otaybi invaded the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Islam’s holiest shrine, on Nov. 20, 1979. The intruders included men from all over the Muslim world and a handful of American converts. Tens of thousands of worshipers were trapped inside the compound. The battle for the shrine lasted two weeks, causing hundreds of deaths and ending only after the intervention of Saudi National Guard and Special Forces.

The transit Pluto was in the sign Libra (desire for recognition, war) in the 9th house of religion. It was in direct opposition to natal Pluto with few degrees away. Transit Jupiter was transiting in the sign Virgo (meticulous, planning, disturbance, etc) in the 8th house (destruction, fanaticism) conjunction with natal Neptune in the 8th house. Transit Uranus was in Scorpio (secret activities, establishing new order, destruction) in the 10th house (Governance) was in quincunx to natal Pluto. The transit Neptune was in Sagittarius (war, focussed, religion) in the 11th house (fulfilment of desires) was in square to natal Mars in the 8th house. Transit Jupiter in the 8th house was in exact opposition to natal Jupiter.
4. Siege of Vienna – Date 27 September–15 October 1529 (2 weeks and 4 days), Location – Vienna, Holy Roman Empire (present-day Austria). The Siege of Vienna in 1529 was the first attempt by the Ottoman Empire, led by Suleiman the Magnificent, to capture the city of Vienna, Austria. The siege came in the aftermath of the 1526 Battle of Mohács, which had resulted in the death of the King of Hungary and the descent of the kingdom into civil war, with rival factions supporting the Habsburg Archduke Ferdinand I of Austria and others supporting the Ottoman-backed John Zápolya. The Ottoman attack on Vienna was part of their intervention into the Hungarian conflict, intended in the short term to secure Zápolya’s position. Historians disagree in their interpretation of Ottoman long-term goals and regarding what motivations lay behind the choice of Vienna in particular as the target of the campaign. The failure of the siege marked the beginning of 150 years of bitter military tension and reciprocal attacks, culminating in a second siege of Vienna in 1683. There is speculation by some historians that Suleiman’s main objective in 1529 was actually to assert Ottoman control over the whole of Hungary, the western part of which (known as Royal Hungary) was under Habsburg control. The decision to attack Vienna after such a long interval in Suleiman’s European campaign is viewed as an opportunistic manoeuvre after his decisive victory in Hungary. Other scholars theorise that the suppression of Hungary simply marked the prologue to a later, premeditated invasion of Europe.

The transit planet Pluto is seen going in the sign Capricorn (desire to lead) over the cusp of the natal Ascendant (initiate, pioneering). The transit Pluto was also in exact square to natal Pluto. The transit Neptune in Pisces (sacrifice) was in exact opposition to natal Mars in the 8th house of destruction.
5. Iranian Revolution, Date 7 January 1978 – 11 February 1979, Location – Iran, Caused by – Discontent with the Shah’s rule, Exile of Ruhollah Khomeini, Social injustice, Religious motives and others. The Iranian Revolution, also known as the Islamic Revolution or the 1979 Revolution, was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who was supported by the United States, and the replacement of his government with an Islamic republic under the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a leader of one of the factions in the revolt. The revolution was supported by various Islamist and leftist organizations and student movements.

The planet Pluto is transiting in the Libra (desire for recognition) in the 9th house of religion. This transit Pluto is in Opposition to natal Pluto (with few degrees behind) in the 3rd house. The transit Saturn in the ending degree of Capricorn (retrograde) is in Quincunx with natal Ascendant with few degrees away. This Saturn is about to enter the sign Virgo (retaliation) in the 8th house of destruction. The transit Mars is in the sign of Leo (desire to rule with fixity of thoughts) is in the 7th house of war. This Mars is in Quincunx to natal Jupiter (religion) in the 2nd house.
Now let us see the current transits of outer planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. As you would have noticed that the planet Pluto has played an important role in almost all he above 5 uprisings. The current planetary positions are as follows;

The main aspects of the above charts are as follows;
The planet Pluto is exactly going over the cusp of the Ascendant of the Muslim Era natal chart. It will be going back and forth near the Ascendant at least till the next year June 2021. During this time there are certainly going to be some disturbances in the following countries due to Uprising, which have the Ascendant rising in Capricorn, or Moon in Capricorn, or Sun in Capricorn or the MC (10th house of Governance) in Capricorn. The transit of Pluto between 20 degrees and 30 degrees of Capricorn is important.
The countries ruled as per the book titled “Book on Mundane astrology” written by H S Green and Rapheal are, India (as per the ancient sages, the sign of India is Capricorn. Though the exact degree rising is not known. Therefore, the transit of Pluto till such time it is in Capricorn is not good for India), Afganistan, and Punjab (Indian part of Punjab and could also be some parts of Pakistan).
Further, as per the Book of World Horoscopes, by Nicholas Campion the following countries have their Ascendant rising in Capricorn between 20 degrees to 30 degrees. These UK, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and France.
The MC (the 10th house of Government) between 20 degrees to 30 degrees of Capricorn are ruled by Egypt, Afganisthan, Australia, Germany, Thailand, and Russia. In these countries there can be toppling of existing Governments.
The Moon between 20 degrees to 30 degrees of Capricorn is ruled by, USA (July 2, 1776 chart). The Moon is an alternate and next important pivot next to Ascendant.
The Sun between 20 degrees and 30 degrees of Capricorn is ruled by Saudi Arabia, New Zealand and Germany.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: 10th April, 2020
Time: 10.00 AM, Mumbai, India