Conclusion (For detailed astrological analysis read the analysis section):
So, based on the future transits, before April/May 2022, the USA will take some drastic measures to free Afghanistan from Taliban or else it will play a major role in any part of the world in waging a war. This can be even in Asian region where the countries are not in good relationship amongst themselves. If this happens, it will be something BIG. It is for sure. This can have serious ramifications in the Asian region when it triggers.
This is the article which will decipher the wars in which USA participated in the past and what is likely in the future. Whether, USA will participate in any future wars and if yes, when? I have taken all the past wars (almost 21 past wars have been analysed) where USA participated (except “Operation Beleaguer” –, as the date of commencement of war is not available).
In my analysis, I have found transit Rahu/Ketu, and/or Saturn touched (either in conjunction/opposition or in trine) the sensitive natal planet degrees. These natal planets were lord of 10th house (Moon, planets in the 8th house (Rahu, Mars), lord of 6th house (Jupiter), lord of 8th house (Venus), Rahu/Ketu and finally the Asc degree (Libra). The above analysis will be done by using the formation chart of USA’s Defence department. The US Defence department was formed on July 26, 1947 at 12.30 pm, at Washington, DC. The chart is given below;

The Ascendant (Asc) rising is Libra at 8.13 degrees. First let us analyse the past wars in which USA participated and what were the transit position of planets. Following are the list of wars in which USA participated and transit position of Rahu/Ketu and Saturn on the date of beginning of war. For each war there is a link provided which can be gone through by the readers.
1.Korean war (1950-53) – began on June 25, 1950. (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu/Ketu were in Pisces/Virgo axis at 9.39 degrees. This was in trine to natal Rahu/Ketu.
2. Lebanon crisis (1958) – began on July 15, 1958 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu/Ketu were in Libra/Aries axis at 3.44 degrees conjunct natal Asc degree in Libra.
3. Vietnam war (1955 to 1975) – began on November 1, 1955 (
On the day when war began, the transit Ketu was in Taurus at 25.59 degrees conjunct natal Mars in the 8th house in Taurus at 24.42 degrees.
4. Korean DMZ conflict (1966 to 69) – began on October 5, 1956 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu/Ketu were in Scorpio/Taurus axis at 8.08 degrees in conjunction with natal Rahu/Ketu in Taurus/Scorpio axis at 6.04 degrees. The transit Saturn was in Scorpio at 6.09 degrees in conjunction with natal Ketu in Scorpio at 6.04 degrees
5. Dominican civil war (1965) – began on April 24, 1965 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu was in Taurus at 22.37 degrees in conjunct with natal Mars in Taurus at 24.42 degrees. The transit Saturn was in Aquarius at 20.34 degrees in trine to natal Mercury in Gemini at 23.59 degrees.
6. Multinational force in Lebanon (1982 to 84) – began on April 25, 1982 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu was in Gemini at 23.32 degrees in conjunction with natal Mercury in Gemini at 23.59 degrees. Transit Saturn was Rx in Virgo at 24.05 degrees in trine to natal Mars in Taurus at 23.59 degrees.
7. United States invasion of Grenada (1983) – began on October 25, 1983 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu was in Taurus at 24.31 degrees in conjunction with natal Mars in Taurus at 24.42 degrees.
8. United States invasion of Panama (1989 to 1990) – began on December 20, 1989 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu was in Capricorn at 25.20 degrees in trine to natal Mars in Taurus at 24.42 degrees. The transit Saturn was in Sagittarius at 20.33 degrees in opposition to natal Mercury in Gemini at 23.59 degrees.
9. Gulf war (1991) – began on January 17, 1991 (
On the day when war began, the transit Ketu was in Cancer at 4.29 degrees in trine to natal Moon (0.12 degrees) and Ketu (6.04 degrees) in Scorpio. The transit Saturn was in Capricorn at 3.55 degrees in trine to natal Rahu in Taurus at 6.04 degrees.
10. Iraqi no-fly zones conflict (1991 – 2003) – began on March 1, 1991 (
On the day when war began, the transit Ketu was in Cancer at 2.14 degrees in trine to natal Moon in Scorpio at 00.12 degrees. The transit Saturn was in Capricorn at 8.44 degrees just crossed the natal Rahu in Taurus at 6.04 degrees.
11. Operation Gothic Serpent (1993) – began on August 22, 1993 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu/Ketu were in Scorpio/Taurus axis at 14 degrees approaching towards natal Rahu/Ketu in Taurus/Scorpio axis at 6.04 degrees. The transit Saturn was Rx in Aquarius at 2.36 degrees in square to natal Moon in Scorpio at 00.12 degrees.
12. Bosnian war (1992 – 95) – began on April 6, 1992 (
On the day when war began, the transit Ketu was in Gemini at 10.54 degrees in trine to natal Asc degree in Libra at 8.13 degrees. The transit Saturn was in Capricorn at 22.38 degrees in trine to natal Mars in Taurus at 24.42 degrees and also was giving its 10th aspect on natal Jupiter in Libra at 24.44 degrees.
13. Operation Uphold Democracy – Haiti (1994-95) – began on September 19, 1994 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu was in Libra at 23.25 degrees in conjunction with natal Jupiter in Libra at 24.44 degrees.
14. Kosovo war (1998-99) – began on February 28, 1998 (
On the day when war began, the transit Saturn was in Pisces at 24.11 degrees giving its 3rd aspect to natal Mars in Taurus at 24.42 degrees. The transit Ketu was in Aquarius at 16.48 degrees in approaching trine to natal Asc degrees.
15. Afghanistan war (2001 to 2021) – began on October 7, 2001 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu was in Gemini at 6.59 degrees in trine to natal Asc degree.
16. Iraq war (2003-2011) – began on March 20, 2003 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu/Ketu was in Taurus/Scorpio axis at 9 degrees in conjunction with natal Rahu/Ketu at 6.04 degrees.
17. Operation Ocean shield (2009 – 2016) – began on August 17, 2009 (
On the day when war began, the transit Ketu was in Cancer at 4.50 degrees in approaching trine to natal Moon in Scorpio at 00.12 degrees. The transit Saturn was in Leo at 27.14 degrees just separated after giving its 3rd aspect to natal Jupiter in Libra at 24.44 degrees and also the 10th aspect to natal Mars in Taurus at 24.42 degrees.
18. 2011 military intervention in Libya (2011) – began on March 19, 2011 (
On the day when war began, the transit Ketu was in Gemini at 4.10 degrees just separated after giving its trine aspect to natal Asc degree.
19. American-led intervention in Iraq (2014–present) – began on June 15, 2014 (
On the day when war began, the transit Saturn was Rx in Libra at 23.32 degrees in conjunction with natal Jupiter in Libra at 24.44 degrees.
20. American-led intervention in the Syrian civil war (2014 to present) – began on September 22, 2014 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu was in Virgo at 26.12 degrees in approaching trine to natal Mars in Taurus at 24.42 degrees. The transit Saturn was in Libra at 25.37 degrees in conjunction with natal Jupiter at 24.44 degrees.
21. American intervention in Libya (2015–present) – began on November 13, 2015 (
On the day when war began, the transit Rahu/Ketu was in Virgo/Pisces at 4.05 degrees. It was in separated trine to natal Rahu/Ketu and transit Ketu was in approaching trine to natal Moon in Scorpio at 00.12 degrees.
Based on the above, in my analysis, I have found transit Rahu/Ketu, and/or Saturn touched (either in conjunction/opposition, 3rd/10th aspect of Saturn or these were in trine) the sensitive natal planet degrees. These natal planets were lord of 10th house (Moon), planets in the 8th house (Rahu, Mars), lord of 6th house (Jupiter), lord of 8th house (Venus), lord of 12th house (Mercury), Rahu/Ketu and finally the Asc degree (Libra).
Now based on current transits, we have transit Rahu/Ketu in Taurus/Scorpio axis at 12.40 degrees which are approaching natal Rahu/Ketu (in Taurus/Scorpio) and Moon (in Scorpio at 00.12 degrees). The transit Ketu is also in approaching trine to natal Sun in Cancer at 9.45 degrees. The transit Saturn Rx in Capricorn at 15 degrees will be in trine to natal Mars in Taurus at 24.42 degrees and also give its 10th aspect to natal Jupiter in Libra at 24.44 degrees.
So, based on the above future transits, before April/May 2022, the USA will take some drastic measures to free Afghanistan from Taliban or else it will play a major role in any part of the world in waging a war. This can be even in Asian region where the countries are not in good relationship amongst themselves. If this happens, it will be something BIG. Its for sure. This can have serious ramifications in the Asian region when it triggers.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: August 16, 2021
Time: 7.00 AM, Mumbai, India
(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)