Sundar Balakrishnan


We are going to witness a long awaited assembly elections in Maharashtra in October, 2014. I had a horoscope with the date of July 23, 1960. After verification from internet I saw that the date was 27th July, 1960. The data however is July 27, 2014 at 10.14 am at Mumbai. Based on this data the his three life events like he becoming party president in January 2003, he getting admitted to hospital on July 16, 2012 and his father Balasaheb Thackeray’s death on 17th November, 2012 gets corroborated.


My analysis of the horoscope is as follows;



The lagna rising is Virgo 5 degrees. The Lagna lord and 10th lord Mercury is in the 10th house in Gemini but retrograde. It is aspected by Ketu and retrograde Saturn. It is in papa kartari yoga between Mars (lord of 3 & 8) and Sun (lord of 12). The 10th house denotes position, status, etc and it is afflicted. However, Mercury is vargottam. Mercury is in Visha-ghati which is not a welcome feature. So, all the significations of Lagna and 10th house gets affected negatively. Ketu also is in Visha-ghati.

Now let us analyse the dasa from Vimshottari, Kalachakra and Jaimini Chara dasa. While we analyse the dasa we will also dwell on the past three events.

Vimshottari Dasa

He became President of Shiv Sena in January 2003. The dasa was Rahu / Mercury. Rahu is with Moon the 11th lord and Mercury is in its own house. Though he became President, all the matters of the party were effectively managed by his father, Balasaheb.

He was admitted to hospital for angioplasty on 16th July, 2012. The dasa was Rahu / Mars. Rahu in 12th house and Mars (lord of 3 & 8). For, Virgo lagna Mars is malefic. So Rahu gave both positive as well as negative result.

His father expired on 17th November, 2012. The dasa was same Rahu / Mars. Here take the 9th house as lagna. So, the lagna becomes Taurus. From Taurus, Mars is maraka and Rahu in the 4th house a terminal house with Moon the 3rd house lord of longevity for father. In the Dwadasamsa (D12) chart, from Sun (planet for father), Mars is in the 8th house and Rahu is in the 7th house a maraka. From the 9th house of D12, Cancer, Mars is in the 12th house and Rahu is in badhaka.

The dasa operating at the time of loksabha elections in April, 2014 was Jupiter / Jupiter / Venus. Jupiter is the lord of 4 & 7 and it is in its own house. Venus is in the 11th house. In the dasamsa (D10), Venus is in the 4th house of throne attaining neechabanga by Mercury being with Moon.

Now the current dasa is of Jupiter/Jupiter/Mars. In the natal chart, Mars is the lord of 3 & 8 in the 9th house. In the dasamsha (D10), Mars is exalted but in the 8th house. This could give some setbacks.


Kalachakra dasa

The deha rashi is Taurus and Jiva rashi is Gemini.

He became President of Shiv Sena in January 2003. The dasa was Aquarius / Taurus. In the rashi chart, Aquarius has Ketu (which is in visha-ghati) and the lord Saturn is in the 4th house of throne along with Jupiter (lord of 7th, the padaprapti). Aquarius is aspected by its own lord Saturn though. Taurus the antara has Mars, which aspects its own house Scorpio, which is the 7th house of padaprapti. In the dasamsa, from Taurus, the 7th house lord Mars is exalted in the 9th house of luck.

He was admitted to hospital for angioplasty on 16th July, 2012. It was Pisces / Aquarius. Pisces is the 7th house from lagna and the lord Jupiter is with the 6th lord and aspected by Mercury which is in visha-ghati. The antara Aquarius has Ketu which is in visha-ghati and it is the 6th house form Lagna.

His father expired on 17th November, 2012. It was again Pisces / Aquarius. From the 9th house the lord of Pisces Jupiter is in the 8th house along with Saturn lord of Aquarius. In the Dwadasamsa (D12) the event does not explained very logically. 

The dasa operating at the time of loksabha elections in April, 2014 was Aries /Aries. The rashi chart does not explain logically the event. However, in the dasamsa (D10), from Aries, the 10th house has exalted Mars and Aries is aspected by its own lord Mars, making it strong. Aries is also aspected by Jupiter from its own house from the9th house.

Now the current dasa is of Aries / Taurus. In the rashi chart Taurus has Mars and it aspects its own house 7th house Scorpio. However, the 10th house has Ketu which is visha-ghati. In the dasamsa, the 10th house has Moon and Mercury in visha-ghati in rashi chart. So here the period is not conducive for him.

Jaimini Chara dasa

He became President of Shiv Sena in January 2003. The dasa was Gemini /Pisces. Gemini has its own lord Mercury which is AK. From Gemini the 10th house has A10. The 7th house has Jupiter, the DK (padaprapti). The 10th house is aspected A11, A9 and A4. Saturn, the AMK aspects the 10th house. From Pisces also the same configuration repeats. Hence, the period was very good.

He was admitted to hospital for angioplasty on 16th July, 2012. The period was Gemini / Gemini. Apart what have been mentioned above for Gemini, the Gemini sign has A8 and UL. This has made him to go for surgery of the heart.

His father expired on 17th November, 2012. The dasa was Cancer/ Gemini. In rashi chart the sign Cancer has BK Venus (BK is taken for father along with Sun). Here BK along with Sun is aspected by Mars GK (represents roga sthana) and Ketu. In the dwadasamsa (D12) Gemini is the 8th house and has Mars GK. Gemini is aspected by Venus BK and Jupiter DK (represents maraca).

The dasa operating at the time of loksabha elections in April, 2014 the dasa was Cancer / Taurus. In the dasamsa (D10), from the sign Taurus, the 9th house has exalted Mars and 10th house has Mercury AK and Moon MK (represents throne).

Now the current dasa is of Cancer / Aries. In the dasamsa (D10), From Aries has exalted Mars. Aries is aspected by Mercury AK and Moon MK. Aries has Rahu. Aries is aspected by A8. In the rashi chart, Aries is aspected by Rahu, Ketu and Moon MK.



From the above analysis of three dasas it shows that the current period will be of mixed nature involving obstacles and also some few gains. Out of the above three dasas two dasas namely Vimshottari and Kalachakra are not showing a good period. However, the Chara dasa is mixed. In the light of the above analysis, it is always better for him to take all his allies together and fight in the upcoming assembly elections, especially with more than 5 parties are in fray. However, for Shiv Sena to get a majority in the 288 assembly seats is going to be a herculean task if he decides to go goes solo. Also it is not be forgotten that the lunar eclipse occurring on 8th October, 2014 falls on the Lagna / 7th house axis which is not good. The 7th house denotes alliance partners.

I wish him best wishes and god give him opportunity to serve the people of Maharashtra. Let us keep our fingers crossed. Till then good bye !!!!!


Sundar Balakrishnan

Date: 25th September, 2014

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