Conclusion (For detailed astrological analysis read the analysis section):
I remember in the last elections the whole astrologer community was betting on Donald Trump getting elected. However, I predicted for Joe Biden, and I was trolled on the twitter by the RWingers. But later, I was proved right in my prediction. Later after Joe Biden’s win, I had also predicted that Donald Trump supporters will indulge in riots immediately after the elections. This was based on USA nation’s chart.
Now, the much awaited elections in largest democratic nation next to India is slated to vote on Nov 5, 2024. Initially, there were only two contenders for President’s post namely, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Assessing the situation in which Joe Biden has been sailing as to whether he would continue with the fight or not, I had weighed several contenders in his place and analysed first the chart of Kamala Harris. Apart from Kamala Harris, I have also analysed charts of other Democrats like, Ms Gretchen Whitmer, the two-term governor of Michigan, who is an increasingly popular leader from the Midwest. She has campaigned for Biden in the past and has not been shy about her political aspirations. Based on her chart (Aug 23, 1971 at 20.51, Lansing, Michigan, USA) she is not a winning candidate against Donald Trump. Another probable candidate could have been California’s Governor, Gavin Newsom (born on Oct 10, 1967 at 10.13 am, at San Francisco, CA, USA) is one from the Biden administration. Based on his chart, he also is not a fit winning candidate against Donald Trump. As per Reuters IPSOS poll released found the only person who could beat Trump in November was Michelle Obama. But the former first lady has repeatedly said she does not have presidential aspirations. Hillary Clinton is also being pressurised to run for the presidential elections. She was born on Oct 26, 1947 at 18.45 at Chicago, Illinois, USA. Having analysed her chart too, she is also not a competitive candidate against Donald Trump. The reason for analysing all the other probable candidates is to ensure that all other options are weighed apart from Kamala Harris. You never know, if at a later date at the Democrats convention some other name pops out. Democrats convention is scheduled to be held between August 19 to 22, 2024, at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. By tradition, because the Democratic Party currently holds the White House, its convention will be conducted after the 2024 Republican National Convention, which was held from July 15 to 18, 2024. Anyways, as of now the fight is between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
It was very obvious from the chart of Joe Biden, the period is not at all conducive with respect to his health. Based on the chart of Joe Biden, his health is going to be very critical in the next one year. Given the situation he has already backed off and endorsed the name of Kamala Harris as the candidate from Democrats side for Presidentship.
Based on the analysis of the charts of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, it is clear that Donald Trump will win elections. In case, some other person in place of Kamala Harris is appointed then (if at all the leaders at Democrats Convention decide to push another candidate in place of Kamala Harris, which most likely it may not be), the chart of that person needs a fresh analysis with that of Donald Trump.
I remember in the last elections the whole astrologer community was betting on Donald Trump getting elected. However, I predicted for Joe Biden, and I was trolled on the twitter by the RWingers. But later, I was proved right in my prediction. Later after Joe Biden’s win, I had also predicted that Donald Trump supporters will indulge in riots immediately after the elections. This was based on USA nation’s chart. Much awaited elections in largest democratic nation next to India is slated to vote on Nov 5, 2024. As of now, when this article is being written there are only two contenders for the President’s post. Its Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump. Before analysing the charts of Presidential candidates, let us analyse the chart of USA and check whether there is any change of government is indicated. I have taken the chart of USA dated July 4, 1776 at 5.10 pm at Philadelphia, PA, USA. The chart is given below;

The four planets Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Sun placed in the sign Gemini are afflicted by transit Saturn in Aquarius. Also natal Rahu/Ketu in Cancer/Capricorn is afflicted by transit Rahu/Ketu in Pisces/Virgo. So, change of government is imminent.
Kamala Harris was born on Oct 20, 1964 at 21.28, Oakland, CA, USA. The chart of Kamala Harris is given below;

The dasa is running is of Rahu/Venus/Moon from Oct 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024. Her Moon lord of 10th house in the D9 chart is in Taurus will be afflicted by transit Ketu. Similarly, he Venus in Scorpio in the 2nd house in D9 will also afflicted by transit Rahu in Pisces. Jupiter which is the 10th lord of D1 is in Capricorn in D9 is also similarly afflicted by transit Ketu from Virgo. Mars which is the 6th lord of fights is in Pisces in D9 is afflicted by transit Rahu. Similarly, Sun, Venus and Saturn all in the sign Scorpio in D9 is also similarly afflicted by transit Rahu. The Asc lord Mercury of D1 is in Sagittarius and it is also in exact “T” square to transit Rahu/Ketu.
In the D10 chart, which is seen for professional success and status, the rising Asc is Gemini. Here to the Moon is afflicted by transit Ketu. Similarly, the transit Ketu afflicts the Asc and Rahu. The Sun lord of 3rd house (efforts) in the 6th house (fights) is afflicted by transit Rahu. In D10, Maandi (sickness, death, etc) in Scorpio is aspected by transit Jupiter from Taurus. No wonder, after the sickness of Joe Biden, she is being nominated.
Based on the above analysis, she is not a winning candidate against Donald Trump.
Let us now go to the analysis of Donald Trump, the Ex-President. He was born on Jun 14, 1946 at 10.54, Jamaica, NY, USA. His chart is given below.

Dasa is of Jupiter/Venus/Venus from Sep 27, 2024 to Mar 8, 2025. His dasa lord Jupiter in Virgo at 24 deg get a benefic aspect from transit Jupiter in Taurus at 25 deg. Both transit and natal Jupiter are Rx, hence the effect is maximum benefit. Jupiter is lord of 5th which is status and fame. Moreover, the same transit Jupiter in Taurus is also conjunct natal Asc lord Sun and also aspects Moon in Scorpio. Most striking feature between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is that, both are born on Shukla Purnima day. However, the transit Jupiter is giving beneficial aspect to birth Shukla Purnima in the case of Donald Trump as compared to Kamala Harris. In the case of Donald Trump, in his D9 chart the Sun in Virgo is also getting beneficial aspect from transit Jupiter from Taurus. His Moon in the D9 chart which is the 12th lord of D1 is in the 10th house in D9 and 8th house of D1 (considering from D1 Asc) is conjunct transit Rahu. This has resulted in assassination attempt.
Based on the analysis of the above two charts of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, its clear that Donald Trump will win elections. In case, some other person in place of Kamala Harris in the upcoming Democrats Convention to be held between Aug 19 to 22, 2024, is nominated then, the chart of that person needs a fresh analysis in comparison with Donald Trump. As of today, in the present situation, between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, Trump will be the winner.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: July 23, 2024
Place: Mumbai, India
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