Sundar Balakrishnan


We are witnessing the bad relationship between BJP and Shiva Sena. Very recently SS called off its two decades long alliance and decided to go solo in the upcoming BMC elections. It has however decided to stay silent on its alliance at the centre and in the Maharashtra state government. Now it will be interesting to see what stand will SS take after the BMC elections is to be watched. Recently there has been news that SS and MNS are in talks for the seat sharing in the BMC elections. We will analyse only what is in store for SS and not look at the BMC elections in totality. The BMC elections are on February 21, 2017. We will analyse the prospects of SS with the help of formation chart of SS and also the horoscope of Uddhav Thackeray. I had predicted earlier through my two articles that SS will go solo in BMC elections in the year 2014 and 2015 based on the oath taking chart of Fadnavis and Eclipse charts. You can read these articles from my website.

The following is the chart of Shiva Sena.

Analysis of D1 chart
The lagna rising is Virgo 25 deg 14. The lagna and 10th lord is Mercury. It is at Gemini 26 deg 43. This degree is the a critical degree known as “Visha ghati”. The dasa going on is Mercury/Venus/Venus beginning from December 2016 to May 2017. The dasa lord as said earlier is in visha ghati. The antara lord Venus is in the 8th house and in papa kartari yoga. Venus in Aries sign will make the party take hasty decisions. The Venus lord of 2nd house (family consisting of BJP and S) will break down. In transit on February 21, 2016 the dasa lord Mercury will be in the 8th house from Moon and the antara lord Venus will be in the 10th house from Moon. Venus will be exalted in transit. But due to its weak placement in the birth chart the transit effect will be minimal. The dasa lord Mercury in transit will be in 8th house from natal Mercury and similarly, the antara lord Venus in transit will also be in 12th house to the natal Venus. Additionally, the antara lord Venus in the “Tara chakra” is in “naidhana (death)” tara.

Chara dasa
The dasa is of Taurus/Aries from June 2016 to May 2017. The antara is the 8th house. It has Venus, the AK the “AtmaKaraka” and aspected by Ketu (planet of dejection and it is in own house). The Venus is with arudha of 12th house UL and also A6 (fights and enmity). It is aspected by arudha of 3rd house A3 denoting efforts and petty issues. From the Karakamsha lagna Sagittarius, the Aries in 5th house of power and has AK. It is with arudha A12 and A6. This denotes clearly loss of power during the Aries antara. The Taurus is the 9th house and has Mars the BK. The planet Mars stands for aggression and it is with Rahu, the planet of dejection. The BK represents the courage, valour, efforts, etc. It is conjunct Rahu. So the planet Mars (BK) becomes more aggressive being with Rahu. The Taurus is with arudha of A11 (friends and here it is BJP) and A5 (power). These are afflicted by Rahu. From the dasa Taurus, the 10th house has no planets neither the 10th house is aspected by any planets. From the antar dasa sig n Aries the 10th house has no planets either. However, the 10th house is aspected by Mars (BK) and Rahu/Ketu. So there is an affliction here.


Analysis of D9 chart
In the case of individual charts the D9 chart is studied to see the relationships between the individual and the spouse. Similarly, the same D9 can be used to read the relationship of the political party and its allies. In the D9 chart the dasa lord is well placed in the 11th house showing gains in its own house Gemini. The antara lord Venus is in the 5th house. Both placed finely in the D9 chart. Further, both are aspecting each other by being in 1/7 axis. In D9 the dasa lords have gained strength.

Chara dasa
The dasa Taurus is the 10th house of the D9 chart. Taurus is aspected by Mars (the BK), Rahu/Ketu and Moon (the PK). The Taurus sign is aspected by arudha of A12, A10 and A8. The antara Aries is the 9th house of the D9. It is aspected by Saturn (GK signifying disputes), Sun (DK signifying the allies, i.e: BJP here), Jupiter (MK signifying the throne). So as far as chara dasa is concerned its not good. The 10th house from the dasa sign Taurus has Jupiter (MK, the throne) and it is aspected by malefic Ketu and also Mars (BK). From the antara Aries the 10th house has Rahu and Moon (PK, signifying power). It is aspected by Saturn (GK signifying disputes) from a Leo sign showing haste and without thinking. It is also aspected by Sun (DK, signifying BJP). Here again the 10th house of power and status are afflicted from the dasa signs.


Analysis of D10 chart
The lagna rising is Capricorn. The dasa lord Mercury is in the 2nd house and aspected by Mars from the 8th house and also Saturn from the 12th house. The antara lord Venus is in the lagna in the Rahu/Ketu axis and also aspected by Sun the 8th lord. The antara lord in the lagna means a fresh beginning but the road is going to be tough and due to malefic aspects. So the dasa and antara lord both are clearly afflicted in the D10 chart.

Chara dasa
The dasa of Taurus is the 5th house afflicted by Rahu/ketu, Sun (the DK) and Venus (the AK). The antara sign Aries is the 4th house of the chart. It is aspected by Mars (BK), Jupiter (MK) and Mercury (AMK). From the dasa sign Taurus the 10th house has Mercury (AMK) aspected by Ketu and Sun (DK). It is also aspected by arudha of A9, A3, A12, A2 and A6. The A12 and A6 arudhas are not good. From the antara of Aries, the 10th house has Venus (AK) and Rahu. It is aspected by Mars (BK) and Jupiter (MK). Here again the 10th house of power and authority is afflicted.

The following is chart of Uddhav Thackeray.

Analysis of D1 chart
The dasa is of Jupiter/Saturn/Rahu from from November 2016 to April 2017. The dasa lord Jupiter is in the 4th house and retrograde. It is aspected by Rahu from the 12th house of loss. This Jupiter is also aspected by Mars (aggression, from Taurus signifying adamant nature) who is lord of 3 and 8. The 8th house is all sorts of obstacles in talks (3rd house). Jupiter is conjunct retrograde Saturn (lord of 6th house disputes, fights, etc). This Saturn is in “Marana Karaka Sthana” (MKS) from the dasa lord Jupiter. Saturn is supposed to be in MKS when it is in the 1st house from lagna/dasa lord. The aspects to Saturn are same as mentioned for Jupiter above. The prati antara lord Rahu is in the 12th house and it is also in the MKS from dasa nath. So the period is not at all conducive.

Chara dasa
The dasa is of Cancer/Aquarius from March 2016 to February 2017. The sign cancer is the 11th house which has Venus (BK=aggression) and Sun (PK = power). It is aspected by Mars (GK, signifying disputes) and Ketu (taking decisions without think, as Ketu is without head) in Aquarius. The Sign Aquarius (the 6th house of disputes has Ketu) and it is again aspected by Venus and Sun. From Cancer the 10th house is Aries, which is afflicted by aspect of Rahu/Ketu and Moon (MK = throne). Similarly from Aquarius, the 10th house is Scorpio aspected by Venus (BK=talks) and Sun (PK=power).


The dasa lord Jupiter is aspected by two separative planets Sun and Saturn. The Jupiter is in MKS in the 3rd house (negotiations). The antara lord Saturn is in the 9th house along with debilitated Sun. Saturn is lord of 1 and 12. The prati antara lord Rahu is in the 10th house (power and status) debilitated. Here again the dasa lords are afflicted.

Chara Dasa
Cancer is the 6th house (disputes) of the chart. Its aspected by debilitated Rahu/Ketu. The 10th house from Cancer is Aries, which ha Jupiter (DK=allies, the BJP) and it is aspected by debilitated Rahu. The sign Aquarius is the lagna. The sign Aquarius is aspected by two separative planets Sat and Sun from Libra and also Jupiter. The 10th house from Aquarius is Scorpio. It has debilitated Rahu and aspected by Jupiter, Venus and Mars. Here again the D9 is afflicted.


The dasa lord lord Jupiter is in the 7th house (allies). It is aspected by two seperative planets Saturn and Sun. Also by Rahu. The Saturn is lord of 8th house (obstacles and failure) and Sun is lord of 3rd house (negotiations). The antara lord Saturn is in the lagna being lord of 8th house along with lord of 3rd house Sun. It is aspected by Ketu and Jupiter. The prati antara lord Rahu is in the 11th house and aspected by Mars from the 8th house, lord of 6th house. Similarly the Jupiter also is aspecting. The strong Mars (strong headed from the 8th house, its exalted) has put Udhhav in a wrong foot looks like.

Chara Dasa
The sign Cancer is the 2nd house and aspected by Mercury (AK) and Moon (MK). From the sign Cancer the 10th house is Aries, which has Rahu and aspected by Moon and Mercury. Here Rahu is spoiling the 10th house also by its aspect to Moon and Mercury. The antara sign Aquarius is the 9th house has Moon and Mercury. It is aspected by malefic Rahu. From Aquarius the 10th house is Scorpio which is aspected by malefic Rahu and Mars (GK).

Based on the above we can conclude the following;
– Shiva Sena’s stars are not looking bright based on the above analysis, hence getting the majority over BJP is ruled out.
– Since the period for SS as party and Uddhav are not good, it is certain SS will withdraw the support from the Maharashtra State government too before August 2017.
– Any other alliance with any other party (like MNS) also will not work out.
– This is not the total analysis for BMC polls as a whole. This is limited only to the Shiva Sena. Yes, you can conclude that, since there are only two basic contenders that is BJP and SS, you can infer based on the above analysis that BJP stands as a clear winner in BMC polls.

Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM (NMIMS, Mumbai)
2 year-Jyotirvid and 3 Year-Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai)
January 31, 2017
Mumbai, 11 pm

public comments
    Wonder full analysis .Can you say something about the state of Tamil Nadu and what will be the outcome in the next few months. A lot of confusing and conflicting messages are coming in whats App which are very bad and most are about criminalization of politics in the state.Many Thanks.

    Asha Kathrecha
    Very informative article sir.

    Sir Your predictions didn't come true. Finally the results on 8 March proved so. Indeed Your attempt is appreciating, but no feel it was a baised one may be due to personal knowledge apart from astrological calculations. Expecting a neutral prediction on future relationship between the duo purely based on astrological calculations.

    Rajan Palani
    Ok good analysis

    How reliable is the birth details of Uddhav Thackeray ??

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