Sundar Balakrishnan


This is my 3rd article with respect to Donald Trump. We all witnessed a wonderful oath taking ceremony of much awaited Donald Trump to the office of Presidential post of the largest democratic country of the world. He entered White House with all his family members and had a ball time on January 20, 2017. He took oath exactly at 12.00.01 pm at Washington, DC. The Ex-President, Barack Obama was given a warn send-off too. During the oath taking ceremony there were massive protests all over America from almost all sections of the society. The whole world is going to watch him as his policies are going to drive the other nation’s economy. Donald Trump has been in the lime light for his sweeping comments through the social media. Now that he has taken the Oath, he is the 45th President of the largest democracy of the world. Whether one likes it or not, people of USA have to bear with him till the next 4 year tenure. Come let us see what his oath taking chart depicts. We will see it from the vedic astrology point of view.

The chart for the moment of oath is given below.




The Panchang parameters are as follows;

– The tithi is Krishna paksha Navami, the navami tithi is not good and that too a Krishna paksha. It is a “Rikhta” tithi.
– The day is Friday, ruled by Venus. The day perse is good, but in the chart it is in the axis of Rahu/Ketu and also in conjunction with Gulika and Maandi. The planet Venus is in a critical degree called “Visha” ghati. The planet Venus is also the 64th Navamsa lord from Moon.
– The nakshatra is Swati, ruled by Rahu. The arena of Swati Nakshatra begins with 6.40 degrees and end at 20 degrees in Tula or Libra zodiac. This arena of lord Vayu, the deity of air is ruled and impacted by the shadow planet Rahu besides the Lord. Such people are of restless in nature. They are perceived to be stubborn creatures with firm composure of mind and strength inside. The lord Rahu is placed in the trinal house and is exalted in D9 chart.
– Yoga is Soola, which is ruled by Sarpa Devatas (Nāgas is another name) and considered to be malefic one (especially first 5 Ghatis of it). Its nature can be described as “spear”, “death”, “iron pin”. It is ruled by Jupiter.
– Karana is Taitula. This is a good karana ruled by Mercury.

Other parameters:

– The Ascendant is Aries a ‘Cardinal” sign. For a muhurta, for such occasions a “Fixed” sign is supposed to be good.
– The 10th lord (representing status, profession, etc) Saturn is placed in the 8th house. It is “T” square to Rahu and Ketu. It is square to Venus. Venus is lord of 7th. The 7th represent his allies in the government. So his own allies will be against him and his policies.
– The Ascendant lord Mars has gone to the 12th house. It is in quincunx with Rahu and square to Mercury. Mercury is lord of 6th house which signifies fights and disputes. So, he will get into disputes and controversies always.

Simhasan Chakra

Moon is important as it forms the part of muhurta. Strong Moon is essential for choosing a good muhurta and ensures longevity of the government. It should not be afflicted any way or conjunct with malefics. In the oath taking chart, Moon is in Swati nakshatra and it is in the “Simha” section. This is most powerful. The person taking oath in Swati nakshatra will not listen to anyone and take decisions all by himself. It falls in “Narapati” section, which denotes animal instinct. Such people will be like a hitler and not good for a democratic country. So the Moon being in “Simha” will land him into trouble for his rash policies. He will be very strong and authoritative.

Similarly, the planet Saturn is also important planet in Simhasan chakra. It should in no way afflict Moon, any benefic planet or the Sun. In the above oath taking chart, the planet Sun (significator of politics and government) is aspected by Saturn from the 8th house and it is not a good sign.

Kota Chakra

Kota Chakra

As per the parameters of Kota chakra calculations, the Kota Swami is Venus. It is in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra and it falls in “Durgantara”. So it is good. The kota swami is representative of the President.

The Kota Pala (the guard) is Moon. It is rightly placed outside the fort. So, the Kota chakra is fortified and it reiterates the “All Powerful” Donald Trump.

The reduced Vimshottari dasa for next 4 years are as follows;

Rahu – From January 20, 2017 to August 29, 2017
Jupiter – From August 29, 2017 to March 9, 2018
Saturn – From March 9, 2018 to October 30, 2018
Mercury – From October 30, 2018 to May 21, 2019
Ketu – From May 21, 2019 to August 17, 2019
Venus – From August 17, 2019 to April 14, 2020
Sun – From April 14, 2020 to June 27, 2020
Moon – From June 27, 2020 to October 29, 2020
Mars – From October 29, 2020 to January 20, 2021

The tithi being the Navami, the Leo and Scorpio signs become “Dagdha” or “Burnt”. So any planet in these two signs will behave negatively. The 10th lord Saturn is in the sign Scorpio. Similarly, the planet Rahu is in the sign Leo. Hence, the period of Rahu and Saturn will be very challenging for him.

The first dasa of Rahu till August 29, 2017 will be very challenging as it is in the “Dagdha” rashi Leo. Rahu is planet of deception and he will get into fights with his own people during this period. He will also get into several controversies. The 5th house denotes the stock exchanges and we can witness negative trends in the American stock markets. Since, Rahu is in Leo, his policies will be very harsh and objected to by the people. This period will be negative trend for USA economy.

Next is the period of Jupiter from August 29, 2017 to March 9, 2018 and this period will be stable as Jupiter is in Vargottama.

The next period will be of Saturn from March 9, 2018 to October 30, 2018. This period will be very challenging and he is likely to lose power too. The planet Saturn is in the sign Scorpio a Dagdha rashi and it is in the 8th house. Saturn is lord of 10th house, the significator of profession, status, etc. This same Saturn is in Aries in D10 chart and debilitated. In this period he is likely to be impeached too. This period if he survives he will survive for the rest of the term.


1. As per the above parameters, he will be very authoritative and of dictator attitude. He will take all the decisions by himself and not like anyone’s interference.
2. The period upto August 29, 2017 will be very challenging and frustrating for him. He will take rash decisions during this period and land into several controversies. This period will be negative for USA economy.
3. The period from March 2018 to October 2018 will be very challenging and will be his downfall. He is likely to be impeached during this period.

Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com, MBA (NMIMS, Mumbai)
2 year Jyotirvid and 3 year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai (BVB))
Faculty of Astrology at BVB, Mumbai
January 23, 2017
Mumbai, 11.30 PM

public comments
    Asha Kathrecha
    very good analysis sir.

    Anuj Khare
    Beautiful analysis. Clear and precise and filled with so much information that anyone with inclinations can learn the amazing tools like sinhasan chakra and kota chakra, use of tithi, nakshatra, rashi, panchang, ghati, vaar, gulika, mandi, and more for a discerning eye. An absolute pleasure to read and learn. It is a pleasure to be able to learn from you in person and be your pupil.

    rak c
    quiet natural that Don Trump is authoritative,business mindset.. the big Qsn is why americans oppose him tooth &nail if he is already started taking pro american ? and while business houses started creating jobs in america?? interesting that he may loose his position sometime.. or he may resign all of sudden with drastic decisions?? Any astro significance on the revolting nature by the people everywhere india,EU,America??

    S Venkatakrishna Iyengar
    Sir, Can you guess about Tamilnadu's future...both in the near days and in the coming days??? Interesting to read your predictions. Almost near perfection.. Kudos.. regards, svk

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