Sundar Balakrishnan


I had a few days back written about Arvind Kejriwal’s image taking a hit based on his horoscope. After writing the earlier article, I had been going through and analysing the forthcoming eclipses in September, 2016 and its effect on various nations and Government charts. The last article partly based on eclipse, I had predicted reshuffle of the Modi government. Now the eclipse occurring in September 2016 will have far reaching damaging effects on Delhi government. For this, I have taken the Oath taking chart of Delhi government and give below my analysis.

For all your information there are two eclipses occurring in September, 2016. There is a Global Solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 at 11.43 am to 4.24 pm. The eclipse will be at maximum at 2.36 pm. So the total hours will be for approximately 4.50 hours. After this, on September 16, 2016 there is a Lunar eclipse which begins at 10.24 pm and ends at 2.24 am the next day with a total duration of 4 hours. The maximum eclipse point being at 00.24 am on the next day. The following two eclipse charts are provide below for your reference.



In any eclipse whether it is visible or not it always creates disturbance in the chart. Further, we should also understand that whether it is Solar or Lunar, in addition to Sun and Moon, the degree of Rahu also plays a very vital role. In the Solar eclipse chart, position of Sun is at 15 deg Leo and Rahu is at 18 deg Leo. In the Lunar eclipse chart Moon is at 28 deg Aquarius and Rahu is at 17 deg Leo. Keeping this at the background let us analyse the Oath taking chart of Delhi.

Let us study the Delhi Government oath taking chart, which is as follows…


Arvind kejriwal took oath as Chief Minister on February 15, 2015 at 12.14 pm at Delhi. The Ascendant rising is Taurus at 12 deg. With Taurus rising, the 4th and 10th houses are getting afflicted by both the Solar and Lunar eclipses. The 4th house denotes Opposition parties (in this case, looking at the past the Central Government will take the role of Opposition) and 10th house denotes the Delhi Government. Additionally, under the compressed vimshottari dasa scheme, in the oath taking chart, it is the period of Moon beginning from September 2016 till January 2017. Moon in the Oath taking chart is in “Debilitation” and it is in the 7th house. The 7th house in Oath taking chart or for that matter any chart it denotes “Public image”. The two eclipses also forms on the 1/7 axis of Arvind Kejriwal horoscope too. This can affect his health and his public image too. As said in my earlier article he needs to be provided additional security as threat will loom over his life.

In addition to what has been stated above, since, the eclipse is affecting the 4/10 axis, the following effects are more strongly indicated.

– The Central and State government relationship will turn from bad to worse. The Centre may try to topple the Delhi government.
– It is quite probable that the Courts/Election Commission may announce elections for its 21 AAP MLAs and AAP may not be able to reclaim the full 21 seats when the elections are held by the EC.
– More trouble will loom over Delhi MLAs.

The effect of the eclipses will remain till next six months, i.e: till March, 2017.

Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com, MBA (NMIMS, Mumbai)
2 year Jyotirvid and 3 year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai (BVB))
Faculty of Astrology at BVB, Mumbai
July 11, 2016
Mumbai, 11.00 AM

public comments
    S Karunanidhi
    Very true. Go on. Best of luck.

    Dinesh R Tiwari
    Very true

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