Sundar Balakrishnan



The new cabinet inductions will face controversies, scams, disputes, mismanagemnt, changes in new cabinet due to non-performance, etc.


In any event chart like the Oath, Cabinet reshuffle, or for that matter any new beginning, the chart for the moment is analysed through the following parameters;

  • Panchang (Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana)
  • Asc whether its cardinal, fixed or mutable (fixed/cardinal based on degree rising in the Asc)
  • Position of Moon
  • Status of Asc (in this example, the persons taking oath) and 10th lord (Governance)
  • Upcoming dasas
  • Upcoming transits

We will analyse the above based on above parameters; The chart for the moment when the new cabinet minsters were inducted was on July 7, 2021 at 6.04 pm at Delhi.


In the chart, there is exchange bwetween Moon and Venus.

Tithi was Krishna Paksha Trayodashi (13th lunar day of dark fortnight).

Vaar was Wednesday, ruled by Mercury. Mercury is in the 6th house. Mercury is connected with Jupiter and Sun. Jupiter is connected with Mercury, Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Out of these, Mercury is in 6th house, Moon is in 6th house, Mars is in 8th house, Venus is in 8th house, Saturn is in 2nd house and Rahu is in 6th house. Almost all planets signify 6th and 8th houses. So, these are not good significations. Mercury is lord of 7th and 10th house (mooltrikona house). As the lord of 7th house is in the 6th house (12th house to 6th house), there will be damage to the public image. Further, the lord of 10th house is in the 6th house of controversies. The above is based on consideration after exchange between Moon and Venus.

Nakshatra was Rohini, whose lord is Moon is in the 6th house. Moon is connected with Saturn, Mars and Jupiter (after consideration of exchange between Moon and Venus). Before consideration of exchange between Moon and Venus, the Moon is connected with Mercury, Jupiter and Sun. So, the connection in the case of after exchange is not good as it is connected with two malefics Saturn and Mars and Mars being connected with the 8th house as Mars is in the 8th house.

Yoga was Vriddhi yoga which is good as it signifies progress. Karana was Vanija which is also good.

Ascendant rising

Asc rising was Sagittarius at 3.45 degrees, which is fixed as it is less than 15 degrees in dual sign. The lord of the Asc, Jupiter is in the 2nd house. However, Jupiter’s connection as stated above are not good as it is connected with all 6th and 8th houses.

Position of the Moon

Moon is placed in the 6th house (controversies) though exalted.

Status of Asc (in this example, the persons taking oath) and 10th lord (Governance)

The Asc has been stated above. Asc lord, Jupiter as discussed above, is not good. The 10th lord Mercury is in the 6th house of controversies and internal disputes. As stated above, Mercury is connected with Jupiter and Sun. However, Jupiter’s connection with 6th and 8th houses are not good.

Upcoming dasa

The dasa of Moon which is currently going on ends on August 10, 2021. Thereafter the dasa of Mars begins. Mars is in the 8th house of controversies, scams, disputes, mismanagemnt, changes in new cabinet due to non-performance, etc. The Mars is conneted with Jupiter and as stated earlier, Jupiter is connected with 6th and 8th houses though the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Moon, Saturn and Rahu. So, the upcoming dasa of Mars beginning August 10, 2021 will see full of problems due to the reasons as mentioned above.

Upcoming transits

Ketu is in Scorpio at 14.46 degrees. In the chart, Ketu is connected with Sun. Sun signnifies the leaders. The transit Ketu in Scorpio has already begun afflicting natal Sun in the 7th house of public image, natal Jupiter in Aquarius and natal Mercury in the 6th house. When the transit Ketu comes to Libra its affliction on Sun, Jupiter and Mercury will be more intense.      

Sundar Balakrishnan

B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)

2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad

(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)

Faculty of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai.


Date: July 10, 2021

Time: 2.00 PM, Mumbai

(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced by anyone without written permission of the Author).

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