Sundar Balakrishnan


I had written about AAP’s prospects in Punjab. I was the only astrologer who predicted in advance about Congress coming in majority in Punjab. Congress finally swept. My earlier prediction about AAPs prospects was based on western astrology using Secondary Progressions. This article I am going to write based on Kaala Chakra Dasa and Chara Dasa system. I am dedicating this article to two people who gave us wonderful system of Kaala Chakra Dasa, Shri Shakti Mohan Singh, who has written about the excellent system. The book is titled “Kaala Chakra Dasha System”. Since the day I was gifted this book in 2014 by a friend of mine, I have been reading it periodically and every time I pick it up for reading I get new ideas for prediction. The second person is Shri K N Rao who has given us the new Chara Dasa system of prediction. He too has written innumerable books in this subject. In this article I will use Dasha Pravesh (entry chart) for the dasa/antara by using Chara Dasa as given to us by Shri Shakti Mohan Singh. This Chara dasha pravesh will give you the final clue on the exact nature of the event that is promised by the natal chart. I have purposely not taken the AAP foundation chart, as in the Kaala Chakra dasa the timing of the native/foundation chart is very important. Even a change of 1 minute will make a big variation in the dasa period. That is because the KCD is a combination of nakshatra and rashi based system. Whereas in the case of Chara Dasa it is purely rashi based where the aspects as also rashi based.

Now let us study the chart of Arvind Kejriwal the Delhi CM.




Kaala Chakra Dasa system

The Lagna rising is 19 Aries 10. Moon is at 29 Aries 44. It is in Krittika 1st pada. In KCD it falls under the life span of 100 years. The KCD has very important concepts known as Deha and Jeeva rashi. In this chart the Deha rahi is Aries and Jeeva rashi is Sagittarius. The two rashis or their lords should not get afflicted in any manner. Affliction to Deha sign the native will experience downfall, disease or disability of body. Similarly, affliction to Jeeva sign creates mental stress, depression, etc. Anyway affliction to these signs will result in downfall and dejections. Apart from this there are concepts like Fast Forward mode (Manddoka gati – FF), Simhavalokan (Quntum Jump-QJ), and Re-orientation mode (Markata gati – Re). The antara on QJ mode is full of action, and major change. The FF mode the native experiences progress in life and the person takes short cut methods to achieve the goal. There is mental and physical stress. The RE mode is the period of rethinking, restoration and re-stablisation. It’s a period of recognition of mistakes. However all these effects of QJ, FF and RE depends upon the nature and quantum of affliction to the dasa/antara signs and its lords.

The dasa is of Cancer/Libra/Libra. It is from December 2016 to September 2017. If we take sign cancer as lagna, then Cancer has debilitated Mars which is Dehadhipati (Aries is Deha rashi). We all are witness to what turmoil he has gone thru during the period from December 2016. He faced defeat in Punjab and Goa also saddled with many legal cases. This is what happens when Dehadipati is afflicted. From sign Cancer the 9th house has malefic Rahu. Moreover, the 10th house from Cancer is Aries whose lord is Mars. This Mars is debilitated in Cancer. The 10th house is for profession, status, power, etc. Now you can imagine what is likely in MCD elections in the month of April 2017. He is certainly going to face defeat.

The sign Libra is aspected by debilitated Saturn in Aries. The Aries has lord of 10th house Moon which is in conjunction with debilitated Saturn. The 10th house from Libra has debilitated Mars and status of Mars is explained above. The lord of Libra Venus is in 11th house in badhaka sthana in papa kartari yoga being sand witched between Sun/Mars on one side and Ketu on the other side. The Venus is conjunct Jupiter in “Visha ghati” degrees at 17 deg 50. Venus is also in conjunction with Gulika and Maandi. The 8th and 12th sign from sign lord Venus is occupied by all malefics.

In the D9 Navamsa chart, from sign Cancer the 10th house has debilitated Saturn aspected by Rahu and Mars too. So the 10th house is under heavy affliction. The antara Libra is aspected by debilitated Satrun and the 10th house lord Moon from Libra is associated with Rahu/Ketu. The sign Libra has Mars a malefic.

In the D10, Dasamsa too, from Sign Cancer is having debilitated Mars and the 10th house has debilitated Saturn. The 10th house from antara Libra has debilitated Mars. The 10th lord Moon is in conjunction with debilitated Jupiter. It is aspected by debilitated Saturn, debilitated Mars and Rahu. From Libra the 8th house has Rahu. The lord of Libra, Venus is in conjunction with debilitated Jupiter, aspected by debilitated Mars, by debilitated Saturn and Rahu. So it is under severe affliction.

Chara Dasa system.


Here we will attempt the usage of Dasa Pravesha as per Shri Shakti Mohan Singh. The chara dasa in operation is Pisces/Gemini. This is the period from October 2016 to May 2017. Both the sign Pisces and Gemini is under the affliction of Rahu and Ketu. Here gain the defeat of AAP in Punjab and Goa is clearly explained. The sign Aries from Gemini has Moon, AmK (this signifies power, position, status, etc.) which is along with DK (Saturn) and DKN too. DK and DKN behave like a maraca. The planet Saturn is in debilitation.

The following is the dasa pravesh for Pisces/Gemini. From the sign Pisces/Gemini, the AmK Moon is in Aries and it is under clear heavy affliction from Rahu, Ketu and Saturn.



As per the above analysis it is clear that AAP is in for a defeat in Delhi MCD elections and it will not be able to maintain the original tally of 67/3 of Delhi State elections.

So let us wait for the final results in April, 2017. Till then Bye Bye !!

Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com, MBA (NMIMS, Mumbai)
2 year Jyotirvid and 3 year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai (BVB))
March 27, 2017
Mumbai, 4.30 PM

public comments
    Y K Singhal
    Kal chkra dasa is a woderfull tool to rectify birth time . As my Guru ji sh. shakti mohanji taught us by using KCD.

    Sunder ji, can you please give a long term prediction for AAP? Will the party survive after all these setbacks and grow later? Or should we just prepare for the party to fold up?

    Also, Sundar ji, most astrologers online say that AK will become a marginal figure In politics after 2020. However, a Tamil friend says that as per Dravidian Hindu horoscope reading when some one has "Sakada Yog" with Guru Rahu raj yog he becomes the king, indicating that Kejriwal might become PM. Can you corroborate any of this?

    P n v krishnan
    Do you think Swaraj India will make any impact

      Jani Mehul

    Dinesh R Tiwari
    Your prediction for Punjab election was true & at Delhi also there is a defeat for AAP

    Is there a chance of AAP coming back? Or is it demise of AAP? Is there a chance of old members coming back to AAP? Please give a long term view sir.

    1) USA is going through a phase of change after Donald Trump first stood for elections and later was elected President. Can you write about what is astrologically in store for USA and how this can impact the world ? Will there be another World War or such major wars especially with the North Korea in mind. The rise of Jihadism and religious extremist ideologies is another concern. China jostling for economic and military might is another concern. 2) What is in store for our own Bharatavarsha ? Will the situation with Pakistan deteriorate in the light of recent instances (you had written on this before) and relations with China continues to be a challenge ? Economically, will we progress given water crisis, monsoon predictions, employment for a huge youth population etc ? Social situation with caste pressures, rising regionalism, religious ideologies, naxalism etc makes it a challenge for India. What can we expect for India in the near future ? Can you please provide your analysis on the above - 2) being more important than 1) for Indians

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