Sundar Balakrishnan


As I was watching the TV on December 5, 2016 at 1.10 am, I am writing this article. At the time of announcement of Jayalalitha’s cardiac arrest the nakshatra was “Shravana”. On the same day, Moon will enter “Dhanishta” at 10.32 am. Nakshatra beginning from Dhanishta to Revati (which consists of 5 nakshatras) are known as “Panchaka”. Actually, the Panchaka starts from Dhanishta in Aquarius. Anyway, the time is critical and almighty give her followers strong mind to face any unforeseen circumstances. My two articles on Jayalalitha were and

Now, we will see the developments in Tamil Nadu. I had in my first article through vedic astrology shown by using Tamil Nadu state horoscope that Government is at stake. Now, we will use the same Tamil Nadu horoscope and analyse it by using western method of secondary progressions.

The chart no 1, given below is the chart of Tamil Nadu.

Chart No. 2 – Progressed chart as on December 4, 2016


Chart No. 3 – Transit to Progressed chart


Chart no. 4 – Natal, Progressed and Transit

Let us see the chart no 2, the progressed chart. The 10th house is the Government and shows the status of political situation in the state. Any malefic aspect to the progressed 10th house from transit planets will signal instability in the State government/Politics.
The progressed 10th house in the chart 2 is at Libra 08 degrees 54. If you see the chart 3 above, which gives the aspects of transit planets to progressed chart, you will see the following aspects;

– Transit Neptune at Pisces 09 degrees 18 is quincunx (adverse malefic aspect of 150 degrees) to the progressed 10th house cusp at Libra 08 degrees 54. The Neptune is at 12th house in natal chart no 1 and is lord of 5th house. The 12th house is change and 5th house is followers of the existing ruling party.

– The south node (Ketu) at Pisces 07 degrees 40 is also quincunx (adverse malefic aspect of 150 degrees) to the progressed 10th house cusp at Libra 08 degrees 54. The north node is also similarly in the 12th house of change.
The effect of transit Neptune will be active till the end February/March 2017.


Based on the above analysis the following events will take effect;

– Since the 10th house of Government is getting malefic aspect from transit Neptune, there will be internal fights amongst the followers of AIADMK to claim the chair of CM

– The planet Neptune signifies deception. So, certain ministers of AIADMK will defect to DMK or other Opposition party depending upon which Opposition party emerges stronger.

– Since transit North node (Ketu) also gives its adverse aspect to 10th house, (ketu in mythology denotes one “without the head”) the party AIADMK will be headless and there will be leadership crises within.

Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharada
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Faculty of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai.
Date: December 5, 2016
Time: 1.10 AM, Mumbai

public comments
    I am following your website.your predictions are accurate. I want to know whether there will good governance and stable government to develop TN. Please let us know about monsoon which is already late and we have not got sufficient rains in Chennai and entire TN. Regards, Raghu

    Venkatesh Babu
    What is the mystery behind jayas death.will the govt run to its full term when will the crisis end and who (male or female)will lead the party and govt.

    Sanjeev mehta
    Dear Sir - I would like to know about my self My date of birth is 3 August 1966 at 4 am at Pathankot punjab - how will be new year 2017 for me and if I leave job and start job how it will for me - good or bad . Thanks

    Hi astrologer You predict so many things so accurate probably. Tell us whether JJ death was normal or as people suspect it a well planned murder? Thanks.

      Sundar Balakrishnan
      Yes. It is possible. Just look at 8th house of death and aspects to it from the planets. I will write article on it shortly.

    "I had in my first article through vedic astrology shown by using Tamil Nadu state horoscope that Government is at stake." I could not find that page. Can you pls post the link?

    Dear Sundar Your predictions for T N polotics are coming true.Can you predicy the impending by poll in R K Nagar in Chennai ?

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