Sundar Balakrishnan


We are going to witness series of state elections in the states like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Goa in the year 2017. As per current information the elections in Punjab will be held between February and March 2017

Total seats are 117 and to claim the majority a party has to win 59 seats. Now in this article we will see who is going to grab the seat of power. While analysing we will use the horoscopes of Punjab State, BJP, Congress and AAP foundation day charts. The analysis will be done from both vedic as well as western method of secondary progressions.

First logically, we should ascertain whether the existing government will be defeated. For this we have to read the chart of Punjab state and ascertain whether the existing government will lose. If there are signs of change of government by way of malefic aspects to 10th house only then analysis of individual political parties will be done to see who will be taking seat of power in the next elections. In all the western secondary progressed charts the reference date is of February 1, 2017.

Vedic Chart Analysis……
Punjab State Natal Chart


Punjab State – Navamsa chart

The lagna rising is 18 Cancer 38. The lagna has exalted Jupiter at 10 Cancer 24. The dasa that just started is of Saturn from October 2016. It is a period of chidra dasa (change of dasa). Jupiter dasa which is exalted ends and dasa of Saturn lord of 7 and 8 begins. Saturn is retrograde. New dasa sows new beginnings. Saturn is in “Pushkaramsa” a benefic degree. Saturn has the aspect of Mars a yoga karaka for Cancer lagna and also from exalted Jupiter. Saturn is also a “Saha yogi” a planet that will do good. Saturn is in the star of exalted Jupiter. From the Moon, Saturn is in the 11th house aspected by Mars lord of 12th house.

In the Navamsa, Saturn is in the 8th house in Cancer, Sagittarius being the rising sign. To support the dasa, transit should also be conducive. On January 27, 2017 Saturn will transit 8th house from Moon signifying “Ashtam Shani”. In the Ashtakvarga, SAV has 31 points and BAV has 3 points. From January 27, 2017 Saturn will transit “Kakshya” of Saturn. In PAV of Saturn, Asc, Mars and Jupiter has given the 3 points in BAV. Since, it is transiting in kaskshya of Saturn it will not give benefic effects. Hence, the change of existing government is for certain.

Western method of analysis using Secondary Progression
Chart No. 1 – Punjab State – Natal Chart


Chart No. 2 – Punjab State – Progressed Chart

Chart No. 3 – Punjab State – Progressed V/s Natal Chart

Chart No. 4 – Punjab State – Natal, Progressed and Transit Charts


In the above chart no. 2 placidus (circle) chart the progressed MC (10th house) is heavy afflicted by progressed Sun, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. In the 3rd chart which depicts the aspects of progressed planets to natal, progressed Moon is sesquiquadrate (135 degrees a tense and adverse aspect) to natal Mars. Progressed Moon is in the natal 9th house and Mars is placed in the 2nd house lord of 9th house. Since it is adverse aspect, the law and order, judiciary in the state will be badly affected during the elections. The casteism, communalism, will be a major plank and due to this the law and order will deteriorate. The progressed Moon is in the 9th house, 12th to the natal Moon in 10th house. So change of government is certain. The progressed MC at Gemini 24 degrees 05 is square (adverse aspect) to natal Saturn in the 8th house at Pisces 23 degrees 30. The progressed Lagna in Virgo at 24 degrees 25 is also opposition (adverse aspect) to natal Saturn in the 8th house at Pisces 23 degrees 30. So this reveals that people of Punjab (represented by lagna) will vote out the exiting government. Hence, an anti-incumbency.

Now let us see the charts of Individual parties such as BJP, Congress and AAP. These are supposed to be the main contenders in the upcoming state elections. I have not taken the chart of Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) as it is not available. Anyway with the help of BJP chart we can make out how its ally SAD will perform based on the 7th house. The 7th house in the chart shows its allies. As per BJP is planning to contest 23 seats in Punjab independently.

Bharatiya Janata Party.
Natal Chart


The Lagna rising is 23 Gemini 37. The dasa that will be in operation will be Sun/Ketu during the period of elections. The dasa lord Sun is quite well placed getting directional strength though in critical degree known as “Mrityu Bhaga”. The Sun is 64th navamsa from Lagna. The antara lord Ketu is in the 9th house in Aquarius along with lagna lord Mercury and aspected by Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Mars is very close to Ketu degree-wise. So Ketu will give the results of Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn. But placement of Ketu in Aquarius is not good and that too with lagna lord Mercury. Ketu will give the results of Mercury first with which it is conjunct and then the aspects. Moreover the antara lord Ketu is in the 12th from dasa lord Sun. This is the main negative factor. The 7th house is Sagittarius and from January 2017 the planet Saturn will transit there and Rahu will throw its 5th aspect from Leo. So in transit 7th house is afflicted. The 7th house is the house of allies of BJP and in this case it is SAD. Moreover, transit Sun will be in Aquarius the 12th house from natal Sun in Pisces. From the Moon, the dasa lord Sun is in the 5th house lord of 10th. It is aspected by retrograde Mars from 10th house, lord of 6th house. The antara lord Ketu is in the 4th house along with 8th and 11th lord Mercury. It is afflicted by aspect of all malefics.


The lagna rising is Taurus at 2 deg 30. The dasa lord is in the 9th house in Capricorn and Ketu is in the 6th house. Antar dasa lord Ketu is in the 10th house from dasa lord Sun. The antara lord Ketu in the 6th house is afflicted by aspect of retrograde Mars from the 12th house and also retrograde Jupiter (lord of 8 and 11). Transit Rahu/Ketu is on 4/10 axis again spoiling the 10th house. Transit Saturn from Jansuary 2017 will also aspect the 10th house from the 8th house. So the 10th house is under affliction from transit Rahu/Ketu and Saturn.


In the dasamsa the lagna rising is Capricorn 26 deg 07. The dasa lord Sun is in the 6th house and the antara lord Ketu is in the 3rd house. This Ketu is aspected by Mars from the 8th house is not good.

Western method of analysis through Secondary Progressions
Chart No. 1 – Natal Chart


Chart No. 2 – Progressed Chart


Chart No. 3 – Progressed v/s Natal Chart


Chart No. 4 – Natal, Progressed and Transit Chart


The progressed Sun in the 10th house in (refer chart no. 2 placidus chart) is forming many adverse aspects with Lagna, North node, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. The 10th house lord Venus is also at the critical degree at Cancer 00 degrees 05 (Critical degrees are 0 or 13 degrees of cardinal sign, 8-9 or 21-22 degrees of fixed sign and 4 or 17 degrees of dual signs. These are malefic degrees. Also, 0 or 29 degrees of all signs). The progressed Sun at Taurus 22 degrees 28 in the 10th house is quincuncx (adverse aspect) separating aspect to natal Neptune lord of 9th. Similarly, progressed Mercury in the 10th house progressed chart is quincunx to natal Neptune lord of 9th. As said earlier the 9th house denotes judiciary, legal, religion, communalism etc. So SAD/BJP will be accused of spreading communal violence, get into legal issues, etc. This aspect is reiterated by Progressed Moon in the 9th house being sesquiquadrate (adverse aspect) to natal Moon in the 6th house lord of natal Asc. The progressed Sun is also trine (benefic aspect) to natal Saturn lord of 7th house (allies). Similarly, progressed Mercury in the 10th house of progressed chart is trine to natal Saturn lord of 7th house. The relationship with the ally SAD will be cordial. Progressed Venus in the 11th house of progressed chart (lord of 3 and 10) is sextile to natal Jupiter in 2, lord of 6. But Venus is in critical degree. Progressed Mars in the 2nd house of progressed chart (lord of 9) is square (adverse aspect) to natal Venus in 11 (lord of 4 and 11). Mars is a planet of violence and its lord of 9th (represents communal, judiciary, law and order) is square to Venus (females) in 11 (friends and well-wishers) lord of 4 (opposition). BJP/SAD members will get involved or allegations will be levelled against them for rapes and atrocities against women. Transit Uranus will transit the 10th house quincunx (adverse aspect) to natal Saturn in 3rd lord of 7th. There will be dispute between BJP and SAD due to this and quite likely it will be on seat sharing. Similarly, transit Pluto a malefic is also transiting in the 7th house. Transit Pluto in the 7th house lord of 5 is in opposition to Asc. The 5th house represents people from entertainment/film/sports industry. So, leaders connected with such industry will defect from BJP/SAD.

Congress Party

The Lagna rising is Pisces 15 deg 21. The dasa that will go on at the time of elections will be Jupiter/Venus from January 2017. Dasa lord Jupiter is in the 4th house and aspects its own house the 10th house Sagittarius. The antara lord Venus is in the 10th house along with Sun. Venus is lord of 3 and 8 and is combust. Sun gets directional strength. The 10th house is afflicted by the transit Saturn in Sagittarius and also aspect of Rahu from Leo. So in transit the 10th house is afflicted. From January 2017 since Saturn will transit the 4th house from natal Moon, it will be “Ardha Ashtama Shani” or “Chaturth Shani”. From the Moon, dasa lord Jupiter (lord of 7th, public image) is in the 10th house, aspected by Venus the 2nd and 9th lord. Jupiter is also aspected by Sun lord of 12th. The antara lord Venus (lord of 2 and 9) is in the 4th house of throne and aspected by Jupiter and Sun. However, the transit Saturn and Rahu afflicts the antara lord Venus.


In navamsa the lagna rising is Scorpio at 18 deg 05. The dasa lord Jupiter is in Lagna along with Mars. The antara lord Venus is in the 9th house. The antara lord Venus is aspected by Saturn from the 7th house. Venus is lord of 7th (public image in the house of fortune, the 9th house). Venus is also aspected by Jupiter (lord of 2 and 5). The 10th house is under the axis of Rahu/Ketu. In navamsa there is some improvement over D1.



The lagna rising in Dasamsa is Aries at 03 deg 26. The dasa lord Jupiter is in the 5th house along with lagna and 8th lord Mars. The antara lord Venus is in lagna along with Mercury lord of 3 and 6, in Rahu/Ketu axis, aspected by exalted Saturn. Venus is aspected by dasa lord Jupiter. So it is heavily afflicted. The dasa lord Jupiter is afflicted by transit Rahu in Leo.

Western method of analysis through Secondary Progressions
Chart No. 1 (Natal Chart)


Chart No. 2 (Progressed Chart)


Chart No. 3 (Progressed aspects to Natal)

Chart No. 4 (Natal, Progressed and Transit charts)


In the chart 3 above, the progressed Sun in 10th house in progressed chart is sextile (benefic aspect, shows opportunity) to natal Mercury in the 9th house lord of natal 3rd. But progressed Sun is in critical degrees. However, due to benefic aspect it is good. This progressed Sun is in natal 11th house of gains. The progressed Sun is sextile to transit Uranus at 20 Aries 57. Uranus is lord of 11th and 12th of natal chart. So it is getting beneficial aspect in transit too. Even the natal Mercury in 9th house at 21 Sagittarius 17 is trine (benefic aspect) to transit Uranus in Aries in Asc. The progressed MC is in the 11th house of the natal chart showing gains. The progressed Mercury at 9 Aquarius 00 in the 9th house of progressed chart is trine (beneficial aspect) to Moon on the cusp of 7th house (public image). This aspect will gain public image for congress. The progressed Mercury (lord of 3 and 5 of progressed chart) at 9 Aquarius 00 in the 9th house is sextile to natal lagna. Overall, Congress stands a better chance than BJP is what is seen in the above charts. The Congress’s chart looks more promising than BJP’s. Now let us see how the chart of AAP looks like.

Aam Aadmi Party
Natal Chart


The lagna rising is Capricorn 25 degrees 27. The dasa going on Venus/Mars. The dasa lord Venus is in the 10th house in own house along with exalted Saturn and retrograde Mercury. The antara lord Mars is in the 12th house aspected by Saturn from the 10th house. The transit Saturn will go over natal Mars from Januay, 2017 and transit Rahu will also aspect natal Mars from the 8th house. So the antara lord is heavily afflicted. From the Moon, the dasa lord Venus is in Libra (own house) and conjunct Mercury (lord of 2 and 5) and exalted Saturn (lord of 10 and 11). The antara lord Mars is in the 9th house aspected by exalted Saturn from the 7th house.

Navamsa Chart


In the above chart the Asc rising is Leo 19 degrees 02. The dasa lord is in the 6th house afflicted by Rahu/Ketu and aspected by debilitated Mars from the 12th house. The antara lord is debilitated (though attaining Neecha bhanga) but in the 12th house of loss. Here again the transit rahu/Ketu is on the Asc axis. So here again it shows that the dasa lords are afflicted.



The Asc rising is Taurus 14 degrees 29. The dasa lord Venus is in the 9th house in the Rahu/Ketu axis. The antara lord Mars is in the 12th house through in its own house. It is aspected by debilitated Sun and malefic Saturn. The transit Rahu/Ketu is in 4/10 house axis on natal Saturn. Here again the dasa lords are afflicted.

Western method of analysis through Secondary Progressions
Chart No. 1 (Natal Chart)


Chart No. 2 (Progressed Chart)


Chart No. 3 (Progressed v/s Natal Chart)


Chart No. 4 (Natal Chart, Progressed and Transits)


In the chart no 3, progressed Sun at Sagittarius 8 degrees 39 in the 10th house is quincunx (adverse and tense aspect) to natal Moon in the 3rd house (controversies) lord of 6th house (disputes). The progressed Asc at Aquarius 24 degrees 44 is “T” square to natal North/South node. Progressed Mercury in the 9th house (Judiciary, Law, religion, communal, etc.) of natal chart is square to natal Asc. This shows that it will get into legal tangles like disputes with EC, HC, religious and communal disputes, etc. But, progressed Asc at Aquarius 24 degrees 44 is trine to transit Jupiter in 8th house (surprise and sudden) and sextile to transit Saturn in 10th house. This is a saving grace. So, overall looks like there will be tough competition between Congress and AAP.


Summarised predictions based on above analysis;

– Based on the chart of Punjab State, it is certain that there will be change of guard. That is SAD/BJP combine will step down. SAD will face anti-incumbency.
– Punjab state will witness maximum breakdown is law and order, communal riots will be on the increase.
– It is given to understand that BJP is planning to contest 23 seats independently.
– BJP and SAD will have disputes with respect to set sharing.
– As BJP’s chart is very afflicted, there is going to be competition between Congress and AAP.
– AAP’s chart shows negative trends and the claims made by them of clear majority may not be achievable.
– Among the three charts of BJP, Congress and AAP, Congress’s chart seem more promising.
– In order of strength, Congress comes first, AAP second and BJP/SAD third.
– AAP may throw in a surprise.
– At the same time it is quite likely that in case AAP may get maximum seats (but not majority) in that case it may have to tie-up with Congress, as was seen in Delhi where AAP tied-up with Congress.

Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharada
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Faculty of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai.
Date: 30th November, 2016
Time: 4.00 PM, Mumbai

public comments
    jagdish J fadnavis
    let us wait and watch how the reality folds up... but my gut feelings is that the aap will rule and may get majority this is due to good wishes of many wise and pious people..who wants to change in the goverement and rule by the new nascent , and upcoming formidable party AAP which will be biggest challenge to the ruling party... whole pious aapians wishes will be fulfilled by the divine force...GOD

    Ravindra Mhaiskar Ghatkopar E
    You appear to have made wonderful analysis but for common man it is all useless. Tell us in Tabular form Final Tally of seats won by each party with +/-5% Accuracy . You R not all giving any quantitative figures which is most important . U R vaguely telling , which any normal person also can say . Pl come out with figures with +/-5% Tolerance

      Sundar Balakrishnan
      For layman, you need to go through the conclusion section given at the end. If you want me to predict the number of seats, then I am not the right person for that. Thx

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