Sundar Balakrishnan



Based on the compressed dasas given the analysis, following can be expected.

1. The upcoming Lunar eclipse on July 17, 2019 is happening in the axis of Sagittarius/Gemini. This will afflict the Lagna lord Mars in Gemini. During this period some senior member of the Government may face health issues. Their security need to be strengthened.
2. The lunar eclipse is happening on the Saturn, which is the 3rd lord of our neighbours. We can expect development in these areas.
3. In the period of Venus from Oct 2019 to August 2020, few allies will desert the NDA.
4. April 2021 to August 2021 will be the period of Mars. This is the lagna lord. Here again, some senior member of the Government needs to take care of their health and their security needs to strengthened. The same is within the period August 2021 to May 2022.
5. The Oath taking chart Lagna lord being afflicted in the 8th house is not good.
6. The Moon is the star of Revati which is Ghat nakshatra for Modi is not good. This happens to be in Aadhar naadi, a lowest naadi.
7. The retro Saturn in Purvasahada afflicted by malefics is in Aasan nadi. It is also not good. For detailed explanations of the above read the analysis given below.


Narendra Modi took his Oath on May 30, 2019 at 19.04 at Delhi. The chart is attached.

The panchang for the time of Oath are as follows;
– Tithi was Krishnapaksh Dwadashi. It’s a Bhadra tithi.
– The Nakshatra is Revati. For Modi, as per his birth chart, Revati is a Ghat nakshatra. Hence, its not a good nakshatra. The lord of nakshatra is Mercury is placed in the 7th house and its combust. It is aspected by retrograde Jupiter.
– Vaar is Thursday, ruled by Jupiter. It is in the Lagna and retrograde.
– Yoga is Saubhagya. Its good
– Karana is Kaulava.

Now, let us go into analysis of oath taking chart.

The lagna is Scorpio. Its lord is Mars and its placed in a malefic 8th house along with Rahu. In Ashtakavarga, the sign Scorpio has just 21 points and Jupiter has contributed 6 points. The lagna lord Mars is in Gemini which has low SAV of 22 and Mars has low BAV of 2. Lagna lord Mars in Gemini (signifying actions) in the 8th house (dejection, scandals). As per India chart too, retrograde Saturn, Ketu and Pluto all are transiting in the 8th house, signifying this.

Another point if you notice almost all planets are in 24 to 28 degrees. These are Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Neptune, and Pluto.

The longevity of the Government need not be seen as the BJP has secured handsome seats. The other relevant houses are the 4th house of Opposition, 7th house of Allies, 10th house of Government and the Lagna finally. However, the lord of 8th house (longevity) is placed in the 7th house of maraka sthan and its in the12th house to the 8th house. This point cannot be ignored due to which health/life of the ministers and PM will be a matter of concern.

The lord of 4th house (Opposition), Saturn is retrograde in the 2nd house in Sagittarius and is afflicted by being along with Ketu and aspected by Mars. In Sagittarius the SAV is 25 and Saturn has contributed just 2 points. So, Opposition is weak.

The 7th house of Allies, is ruled by Venus and it is placed in the 6th house (in the house of Aries ruled by Mars). So, we can expect discontentment and fights amongst the Allies and BJP during the tenure of 5 years. You can expect few of its allies deserting them. However, this may not be of much importance, as the BJP itself is able to stand on its own. Since, the Coalition dharma need to be maintained, it becomes an important issue. The Aries has two dreaded upagrahas namely, Parivesha at 01 Aries 54 and Upaketu at 14 Aries 45. So, the planet Venus the 7th lord is highly afflicted.

The lord of 10th house is Sun and it is placed in the 7th house. The SAV is 22 and the Sun has contributed 2 BAV points. The Taurus has a benefic Upagraha called YamGhantaka at 26 Taurus 46. This Upagraha behaves like Jupiter and its benefic in nature. Sun is Vargottami and gains strength. In D9, in Taurus it has 24 SAV and Sun has given 6 BAV. So, its strong. It is also aspected by retro Jupiter. Hence, Governance will not be a issue.

The last is the Lagna. The lagna is Scorpio a fixed sign showing “Sthir” sarkar. Scorpio is the natural 8th house and all the qualities of Scorpio will be seen. The SAV is just 21 points. It has retrograde Jupiter, which has given BAV of 5 points. The, lord of Asc, Mars has given just 2 points in Scorpio. The Asc lord Mars, has gone to 8th house. This is not a welcome sign. The Asc signifies the person who takes the Oath, top ministers of the Government. Since, Mars is weak, there will be threat to lives of PM and his top ministers. Their health may take a bad turn.

If you observe, there is a vicious circle between 8th, 7th, and 6th lords. The lord of 8th is in 7th, the lord of 7th is in 6th, and the lord of 6th is in 8th. Thus the cycle is complete. This shows ups and downs.

Simhasan Chakra

Moon is important as it forms the part of muhurta. Strong Moon is essential for choosing a good muhurta and ensures longevity of the government. It should not be afflicted any way or conjunct with malefics.

If Moon is placed in higher nadis the power and authority of the King increases. King is strong and has absolute power if Moon is in SIMHASAN. The power of the king is reduced if it is in ADHAAR. Moon in PATTA will give only limited power.

The position of Saturn is important as it is not only planet of masses and democracy but is also significator of death and destruction. It should in no way afflict Moon, Lagna or the 10th house. Its aspect on Sun and benefic planets is evil.

In the oath taking chart, Moon is in the nakshatra of Revati which falls in “Aadhar” naadi. This is the lowest one which denotes that Governance will be faulty at times and their power will be reduced.

Saturn in the nadi of AASAN conjunct with malefics and retrograde is dreaded and destroys the king. Saturn is in the nakshatra of Purvashada and it falls in Aasan naadi.

Kota (Fort) Chakra
The kota chakra represents a Fort like structure. The placement of 28 Nakshatra in Kota Chakra begins with Janma Nakshatra, which is placed in the North Eastern corner of diagram.

Kota Chakra is divided into four sections as follows:
– Stambha (Innermost Portion)
Stambha is important pillar that support a building. In Kota Chakra, it is the central courtyard. This innermost portion of the Kota Chakra is indicated as green coloured box in above figure. Counting from janma nakshatra; 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th constellation falls in this division.

– Durgantara or Madhya (Inner-Middle Portion)
This portion is also called Madhya Bhaga is in between inner and outer divisions of Kota Chakra. This portion comprises corridors and rooms of residents. Hence for a favourable transit result, Kota Swami should ideally be located in this division. On the map of Kota Chakra, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 24th, and 26th lunar asterism from janma nakshatra falls in this portion.

– Prakaara (Boundary Wall)
Prakaara is considered boundary, edge or walls. This portion of Kota Chakra is depicted here in pinkish red colour. In the purview of Kota Chakra, Prakaara Bhaga functions as the wall surrounding Durgantara. Counting from janma nakshatra, 2nd, 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th, 20th, 23rd, and 27th constellation is placed in this division of Kota Chakra.

– Bahya (Exterior of the Fort)
Bahya means outside the boundary or fence. This outermost division is the portion that surrounds the rest of Kota. In fact, it has no boundary as this segment is itself comprising the border area. Bayha Bhaga is considered a suitable placement for Kota Paala just like a guard should ideally stay at the fence of one‟s home. Bahya Bhaga comprises 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd, and 28th lunar constellation from janma nakshatra.

Kota Swami:
Kota Swami is also referred to as Durgapati. It literally means Lord of the Fort. Kota Swami is simply the Lord of the Rashi in which the natal Moon is posited. For example, if someone was born with Moon in Taurus then Venus should be his Kota Swami of Kota Chakra.

Kota Paala:
Kota Paala literally means Guard of the Ford. Paala also signifies one who tends and cares. Finding Kota Paala is bit difficult and cumbersome. Kota Paala is the lord of Pada of Janma Nakshatra as per Avakahada Chakra (आवकहदग चक्र) and is the planet representing the initial sound /first letter of the native’s name.

The Kota Swami is Jupiter and Kota Pala is Venus. Kota Swami which represents the CM should ideally be inside the “Durgantara”. In this present case the Kota Swami is placed in Durgantara and Kota Pala is also placed in Durgantara.

Venus, retro Jupiter, retro Saturn and Rahu are in Entry points. Sun, Mercury, Mars and Ketu are in exit points.

5 year Compressed Vimsottari Dasa:
Maha Dasas:
Mercury: 2018-10-27 – 2019-07-11
Ketu: 2019-07-11 – 2019-10-27
Venus: 2019-10-27 – 2020-08-26
Sun: 2020-08-26 – 2020-11-25
Moon: 2020-11-25 – 2021-04-23
Mars: 2021-04-23 – 2021-08-11
Rahu: 2021-08-11 – 2022-05-09
Jupiter: 2022-05-09 – 2023-01-09
Saturn: 2023-01-09 – 2023-10-27

Based on the above, dasas, following can be expected.

1. The upcoming Lunar eclipse on July 17, 2019 is happening in the axis of Sagittarius/Gemini. This will afflict the Lagna lord Mars in Gemini. During this period some senior member of the Government may face health issues. Their security need to be strengthened.
2. The lunar eclipse is happening on the Saturn, which is the 3rd lord of our neighbours. We can expect development in these areas.
3. In the period of Venus from Oct 2019 to August 2020, few allies will desert the NDA.
4. April 2021 to August 2021 will be the period of Mars. This is the lagna lord. Here again, some senior member of the Government needs to take care of their health and their security needs to strengthened. The same is within the period August 2021 to May 2022.

Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com, MBA (NMIMS, Mumbai)
2 year Jyotirvid and 3 year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai (BVB))
May 31, 2019
Mumbai, 2.00 PM

public comments
    Predict through Western astrology also!

    Murali Ratnam
    Sir We will wait

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