Conclusion (For detailed astrological analysis read the analysis section):
Based on the below analysis, the threat from COVID and its variants will be there at least till July, 2022. Also, the border situation is going to be fragile and no outcome can be expected from the negotiations between India/China in the coming months. There can be other border issues those will crop up with our neighbors.
Will later analyze the charts of Cancer ingress of 2022 and intervening New Moons between Cancer and Libra ingress and post my next article.
I have written in the past about resurgence of COVID and its variants in my previous articles. The first article appeared in my website on December 11, 2021 ( which was based on analysis of Capricorn ingress (Makara Sankrant) chart. To reconfirm my above analysis, I had written another article in my website on December 20, 2021 (, where it was analysed based on intervening New Moon charts between Capricorn ingress and Aries ingress. It was doubly confirmed that COVID and its variants are going to resurface again.
Now, this analysis is to check for how many more months there will be threat from COVID and its variants. For this, I have taken the charts of Sun’s ingress into Aries and intervening New Moon charts between Aries ingress and Cancer ingress. By analysing these charts, we can see whether the threat from COVID and its variants will be there between April 2022 to July 2022. In my previous analysis, it was confirmed that COVID and its variants will increase from and around Makar Sankrant and will stay for few months.
India independence chart.
Now, let us take the Aries ingress chart.
The Asc rising is Taurus at 17.33 degrees. The ingress is occurring in the 12th house of losses. The Rahu/Ketu axis is in the 12/6 axis showing danger from diseases (6th house) and deaths (12th house). The transit Ketu will also be transiting in the 6th house of India independence chart and it will transit over the natal Jupiter (lord of 8th and 11th) which is at 25.52 degrees in Libra. The malefic effect of Ketu’s transit will be there till atleast till July 2022. Apart from this, if one considers the transit of Rahu/Ketu, it is currently transiting exactly over the natal Rahu/Ketu at 5.04 degrees in Taurus/Scorpio.
Another point to note, is the transit Ketu which is currently transiting in Scorpio at 5.15 degrees will be in trine to natal Moon in the Cancer at 3.59 degrees in India independence chart. In the natal chart too, Ketu is in exact trine to Ketu. Hence, there will be border conflicts, accidents in all forms of communications sector till January/February, 2022. Further, the transit Rahu/Ketu when in Aries/Libra axis, will be in “T” square to planets in the sign Cancer in India independence chart. So, we cannot expect any solution to our border issues for another 2 years atleast. China/Pakistan and the likes will pose problems for us for the next 2 years atleast.
Now, let us take the New Moon chart of Aries.
In the above chart, the Asc degree rising is 28.41 degrees of Capricorn. The Rahu/Ketu are in exact “T” square at 29.01 degrees in Aries/Libra axis. Due to this the Asc is highly afflicted. The New Moon is occurring in the 4th house and its with Rahu in Aries. This New Moon chart also does not augur well.
Let us now look at Taurus New Moon chart.
The Asc degrees rising is 17.23 degrees in Libra. The New Moon is occurring in the 8th house, which is not good.
Now, let us look at Gemini New Moon chart.
The Asc degree rising is 20.08 degrees in Cancer. The New Moon is occuring in the 12th house, which is again not good. Rahu/Ketu in Aries/Libra axis are also in exact “T” square to natal Asc degrees.
Based on the above analysis, the threat from COVID and its variants will be there atleast till July, 2022. Aso, the border situation is going to be fragile and no outcome can be expected from the negotiations bweteen India/China in the coming months. There can be other border issues those will crop up with our neighbours.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: January 3, 2022
Time: 12.00 Noon, Mumbai, India
(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)