Conclusion: (for detailed explanation on the conclusion, read the analysis provided below)
Our relationship with our neighbouring countries will not be good. This is especially in the light of the current stand-off between India and China. There will not be any breakthrough in the negotiations between India and China. The dispute will further intensify and stand-off will continue for some time. There will be conflicts between India and bordering countries and it can result into war/war-like situation.
We can witness major accidents in communications sector like road, rail, sea, air, etc.
We can expect harsh measures in the coming budget where the Government can raise the direct and indirect taxes. The current account deficit is expected to go up than the normal levels. The Government will rely more on FDIs and it will open up more sectors for FDIs. The Government will cover its revenue deficit by massive sale of PSUs.
There will be additional outlays for defence.
We can expect some improvement in the GDP. However, it is still a long way to come out the current situation of negative GDP. We will see gradual improvement in 2021 and full recovery in GDP can be seen only from 2022.
We can expect increase in rail fares in the upcoming rail budget.
We can expect some massive correction in stock markets.
Some of the film/entertainment/sports industry eminent personality may expire.
There can be some changes in the educational reforms.
There can be some changes in the judiciary which will be questioned by the political class. There can be some communal and religious disturbances. The Government will set out the plan for implementation of CAA/NRC and this can irk some sections of the population and can create communal disturbances.
We can see improvement in the revenues from direct and indirect taxes.
We can see some eminent political leaders expire or face health issues.
We can witness resurfacing of virus or some new kind of disease can surface again. The Government should take all precautions and be vigilant.
As said time and again in my various articles, the ingress charts play a very important role in predicting events. There are mainly four cardinal ingress charts which have primary importance in mundane astrology. There are four cardinal ingress charts namely Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Out of these, Capricorn ingress has a very important role as it gives indications on how the annual finance budget will be and it also gives the indication on how the railway budget be. The ingress chart also gives the indication on the road ahead for the economy based on the finance budget. The Capricorn ingress chart has a special role to play as the budgets passed by the parliament in the month of January/February 2021 will have its impact for the full year. Following is the Capricorn ingress chart. The effect of this chart will be up to the next Aries ingress chart which happens to be in the mid April 2021.

The Asc rising in the ingress chart is Capricorn at 15.29 degrees. Mercury the 9th lord is closely conjunct the Asc degree in Capricorn at 14.57 degrees. Mercury, Jupiter, Moon, and Saturn are closely conjunct the Asc. Out of these, Mercury, Jupiter and Moon are closely conjunct.
The above ingress chart when superimposed on the India Independence chart, we can see that Ingress Ketu is aspecting the planets (namely Saturn, Venus and Sun) placed in the 3rd house of the India chart. The 3rd house signifies the bordering countries like China, Pakistan, Nepal, etc and it signifies India’s relationship with the bordering countries. Since, Ketu is aspecting these planets in India chart, our relationship with our neighbouring countries will not be good. This is especially in the light of the current stand-off between India and China. There will not be any breakthrough in the negotiations between India and China. The dispute will further intensify and stand-off will continue for some time. There will be conflicts between India and bordering countries and it can result into war/war-like situation.
The 3rd house in addition also signifies all forms of communications sector like road, rail, sea, air, etc. We can witness major accidents in these sectors.
The lord of the 2nd house in the ingress chart, Saturn is in Asc at 9 degrees and its closely conjunct Moon and Jupiter. The 2nd house signifies the state of our treasury and finance budget proposals. Since, Saturn is closely conjunct Moon and Jupiter, we can expect harsh measures in the coming budget where the Government can raise the direct and indirect taxes. The current account deficit is expected to go up than the normal levels. The Government will rely more on FDIs and it will open up more sectors for FDIs. The Government will cover its revenue deficit by massive sale of PSUs. There will be additional outlays for defence.
The 2nd house also signifies the financial indices like GDP. We can expect some improvement in the GDP. However, it is still a long way to come out of the current situation of negative GDP. We will see gradual improvement in 2021 and full recovery in GDP can be seen only from 2022.
The 3rd house of the ingress chart signifies the Railway budget. The lord of the 3rd house Jupiter is debilitated. Also, the 3rd house of the India chart is aspected by Ketu and many planets of the ingress chart from the sign Capricorn. We can expect massive increase in rail fares in the upcoming rail budget.
The 5th house signifies the stock exchanges, entertainment industry, sports, education reforms, school and colleges, etc. The lord of the 5th house Venus in the 12th house and the 5th house is aspected by Jupiter (lord of 12th house). We can expect some massive correction in stock markets. Some of the film/entertainment/sports industry eminent personality may expire. There can be some changes in the educational reforms. The re-opening of schools and colleges will not be done soon.
Mercury is the 9th lord (signifying judiciary, religion, communalism, etc). Mercury is conjunct Jupiter lord of 12th house. There can be some changes in the judiciary which will be questioned by the political class. There can be some communal and religious disturbances. The Government will set out the plan for implementation of CAA/NRC and this can irk some sections of the population and can create communal disturbances.
The lord of 10th house (signifying Governance, Government, eminent political leaders, etc) is Venus. Venus is placed in the 12th house (signifying losses). We can see some eminent political leaders expire or face health issues.
The 11th house signifies income of the Govt from various sources. The lord of the 11th house is Mars and it is placed in its own house in Aries. We can see improvement in the revenues from direct and indirect taxes.
Based on the India chart, the lord of the 6th house Venus goes to the 8th house (pandemic, epidemic, etc) in the ingress chart and this ingress Venus aspects the India chart Mars in the 2nd house (which is lord of 12th house of India chart). We can witness resurfacing of virus or some new kind of disease can surface again. The Government should take all precautions and be vigilant.
On February 12, 2021, as many as 6 planets are getting together in the sign Capricorn. You can read my article on this
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: January 4, 2021
Time: 4.00 PM, Mumbai, India
(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)