Astrology is the play of planets, houses and signs. We will first go through 12 signs in the horoscope. The 12 signs are as follows:
1. Aries (Mesha)
2. Taurus (Vrishaba)
3. Gemini (Mithuna)
4. Cancer (Karkata)
5. Leo (Simha)
6. Virgo (Kanya)
7. Libra (Thula)
8. Scorpio (Vrishchik)
9. Sagittarius (Dhanu)
10. Capricorn (Makara)
11. Aquarius (Kumbha)
12. Pisces (Meen)
Each of the above signs are owned by following planets:
1. Sun – Owns Leo
2. Moon – Owns Cancer
3. Mars – Owns Aries and Scorpio
4. Mercury – Owns Gemini and Virgo
Ve Venus – Owns Taurus and Libra
5. Jupiter – Owns Sagittarius and Pisces
6. Saturn – Owns Capricorn and Aquarius
7. Rahu – Does not own any signs nut as per some school of thought Rahu ia part owner of Aquarius
8. Ketu – Does not own any signs nut as per some school of thought Ketu is part owner of Scorpio
Please digest the above in the next one week. We will later look into about the signs and its characteristics. Till then GOOD BYE…