We are seeing the results of bye-poll elections where Modi’s sheen is losing ground. I had time and again in my various articles stressed the importance of muhurta. As you all know the date of oath taken by Nawaz Sharif, Arvind Kejriwal and Narendra Modi. The unfortunate thing is all these people chose the day when “Bharani” nakshatra was there. Added to this Narendra Modi took oath in which axis the last lunar eclipse had taken place. The last lunar eclipse occurred in Aries/Libra axis and the oath taking chart was very close to the degree of eclipse. The effect of this is all that we are seeing today the day to day issues that Modi is facing.
The birth chart of Narendra Modi as adopted by Shri K N Rao is 10 am at Vadnagar, Gujarat on September 17, 1950. In the birth chart of Narendra Modi, the lunar eclipse falling on October 8, 2014 is falling on the 6/12 axis and on royal planet Sun. Though, with a high degree orb. Narendra Modi needs to be extra careful with his health for next 6 months atleast and will also face serious challenges from his colleagues. There will also be challenges on others political fronts too.
Sundar Balakrishnan
Date: 16th September, 2014