This is my third part of my prediction on Narendra Modi after my two earlier parts. I have clearly written in my article that 2016 will be very difficult in terms of his health, image and threat to his life too. Keeping this at the background, I am writing this article with the progressed and transit chart as of August 1, 2016.
Analysis of birth chart
To study the health, image and whether there is any threat to his life, it is seen from the aspect to the Ascendant or Ascendant lord or Sun or Moon. In the above chart the Asc is Sagittarius 9 deg 30 and the ascendant lord is Jupiter (retrograde) at critical degree at Aquarius 29 deg 45. The Asc is getting a malefic quincunx (150 deg) aspect from Herschel on the cusp of 8th cusp at Cancer 9 deg 08. The 8th house aspect is supposed to be a fatal house. Similarly, the Asc lord Jupiter at Aquarius 29 deg 45 is also getting the malefic sesquiquadrate (135 deg) aspect from Neptune at Libra 16 deg 14.
Now let us analyse Progressed to Natal charts
In the above chart, the natal Asc is again getting malefic quincunx (150 deg) aspect from progressed Herschel in Cancer 08 deg 54. Then, the natal Asc lord Jupiter is also getting malefic quincunx (150 deg) aspect from progressed Saturn at Libra 00 deg 09. Further, the natal Jupiter is also conjunct progressed Jupiter. This is a saving grace though. But it needs to be confirmed from the aspect of transits to natal planets. Natal Jupiter is also getting malefic square (90 deg) aspect from progressed Sun at Scorpio 29 deg 16. This progressed Sun is conjunct a fixed star called Toliman. The nature of Toliman is like Venus and Jupiter and it is said that it brings problems relating to women. So, his image could be affected by some Women !!! Who it is? Only time will tell.
Now let us analyse Transits to Natal planets
In the above chart, the Natal Asc degree of Sagittarius 9 deg 30 is having multiple malefic aspects from;
– Square (90 deg) Rahu (Dragon head) at Virgo 13 deg 03,
– Square Neptune at Pisces 11 deg 27,
– Sesquiquadrate (135 deg) Herschel at Aries 24 deg 30,
– Conjunct Saturn at Sagittarius 9 deg 54, and
The Asc lord Jupiter is also getting malefic sqaure aspect from transit Mars at Scorpio 29 deg 32.
Whenever, the aspects are repeated in Natal, Progressed to Natal and Transit to Natal, the event is certain to happen. These malefic aspects are going to remain intact in transits and progression till the end of 2016.
So from the above, gain I would like to reiterate that his image will surely be at stake, health needs utmost care and above all he will need extra security as threat is looming over him. This is till end of 2016.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com, MBA (NMIMS, Mumbai)
2 year Jyotirvid and 3 year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai (BVB))
Faculty of Astrology at BVB, Mumbai
August 1, 2016
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 11.30 PM