Sundar Balakrishnan


I had written an article on Nitish Kumar’s Oath taking chart on November 20, 2017. In this, I had clearly predicted that alliance with LaLu and Congress will be very challenging. The gist of my earlier prediction is given below.

“Nitish will be able to complete his term as the 4th house of opposition is very weak. But his major challenge will be to handle his allies like Lalu and Congress. If at all any untoward that can happen, it can happen only because of his allies.”

The link to my earlier prediction is

After Nitish took over, there have been many developments where Lalu has been a difficult ally to handle. There have been many instances in the past where Nitish and Lalu have been on loggerheads. The recent one was of supporting the “President Elect candidate”. Recently there have been many corruption cases levelled by media against Lalu and his family members. Today CBI had conducted simultaneous raids at various locations of Lalu’s family members. With this in the background and earlier predictions, let us see whether the alliance between Nitish and Lalu will stay or not.

The oath taking chart is given below.

The Ascendant rising is Pisces at 9 deg 14. This falls in the critical degree called “Mrityu Bhaga”. The 7th house denotes allies of the ruling party (i.e: Nitish Kumar). The 7th house has Venus (lord of 8th, denoting obstacles) and malefic Mars and Rahu. The 7th house lord Mercury is in 9th house along with Sun and Saturn. Mercury being very close to Sun is combust. Hence, the 7th house and its lord are afflicted.

Now we will see whether the alliance is at stake with the help of transits. Any affliction to the 7th house by way of transit of malefic planets will affect the alliance.

– Currently malefic planet Saturn is retrograde in Scorpio. It will transit to Sagittarius on October 27, 2017 from where it will throw its malefic aspect to the 7th house.
– On August 28, 2017 Mars will transit Leo from where it will afflict the natal Mercury (the 7th lord).
– Similarly, malefic Mars will transit Virgo on October 14, 2017.
– On September 10, 2017 Rahu will transit Cancer from where it will afflict the natal Mercury the 7th lord.
– On November 17, 2017 Sun will transit Scorpio and go over natal Mercury. Sun will stay till December 16, 2017.

Based on the above analysis the alliance is set to break in the months of November/December 2017.

Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Date: 7th July, 2017
Time: 1.30 PM, Mumbai, India

public comments
    Sir, Can you also throw some light on the political career of Lalu Yadav? Will he be decimated and get out of politics?

    Sir, could you please write an article on the future of bengal regarding in the lights of recent communal riots.

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