Sundar Balakrishnan



1. Major accidents in the communications sector.

2. Border clashes will be more intense. More of surgical strikes. Trigger of war with neighbouring possible.

3. Natural calamity in the East Zone and South East Zone of India.

4. Restrictions on Media by the Government.

5. All the above possible from January 15, 2018 to March 15, 2018


We all will experience total lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018. This will be visible in India and hence its effect will certainly be felt. Let us analyse its effect by comparing with the India Independence chart.

We will analyse the effect with the help of;
– India Independence chart
– Lunar Eclipse chart of January 31, 2018
– Koorma chakra to find out the Zone which will be prone to damage

Following is the India chart.

Following is the Total Eclipse chart of January 31, 2018

Lunar eclipse begins at 16:21 IST and ends at 21:38 IST on January 31, 2018. Its total duration is approximately for 5 hours. So its effect will be for 5 months. Its effect will be 15/20 days before eclipse. More intense effect will be felt 45 days after eclipse date. In Lunar eclipse the Moon and Rahu are important to be noted. As seen above Moon is in the star of Pushya nakshatra and Rahu is in the nakshatra of Ashlesha. If you see the natal chart of India is also of Pushya nakshatra. This is eclipse occurring in the birth nakshatra. Hence its effect will be very intense. The eclipse is occurring in the 3rd house of the India chart. The 3rd house signifies the neighbouring countries (like Pakistan, China, etc.), all forms communications like land, air, water, road, etc., and all forms of media.


Based on the above Koorma chakra we can find out which part of India will be more prone. Since, the eclipse is occurring in the 3rd house all the significations of it will be affected negatively. So, we can expect the following.
– Major accidents in the communications sector
– Border clashed will be intense. More of surgical strikes. Trigger of war with neighbouring possible.
– Natural calamity in the East Zone and South East Zone of India.
– Restrictions on Media by the Government.

Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Faculty of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai.
Date: 01st January, 2018
Time: 11 PM, Mumbai

public comments
    R S V Raman
    It was very useful. Do you al see marriage alliances. Thanks R. S. V. Raman

    Please do share the effects of Lunar eclipse on each zodiac sign or nakshatram.

    Sir what sort of calamities do you predict to hit the south-east coast ? Cyclone/storm or like eathquake and tsunami.

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