Sundar Balakrishnan



Among the 5 parameters (Panchang), 50% of the parameters are found to be satisfactory. Out of the panchang parameters, the inauspiciousness was on account of Vyatipata yoga, it was a Rahu Kaal and the hora was of Saturday on the day of rollout. However, when it comes to the Muhurat chart for the moment, there are many flaws seen in the planetary positions. These are explained below in detail.

During the period April 26, 2021 to July 11, 2021 there can be some setbacks to the rollout, which can be of any type like side effects to vaccine, setbacks, obstacles, etc. Similarly, from October 19, 2021 to December 26, 2021.


COVID vaccine rollout was done on January 16, 2021 at 11.05 am from Delhi by Narendra Modi. This was much awaited and we should be proud that it is “made in India”. Two vaccines namely Covieshield and Covaxine are the two which were rolled out. In astrology every new beginning needs to be begun on a right note i.e. “The right Muhurat”. Our ancient astrology classics prescribe right muhurta for every type of new beginning. Any activity begun on the right muhurat ends on a successful note. A new activity begun on a wrong muhurta ends with unsuccessful end and faces several road blocks. Unfortunately, the muhurta chosen for the rollout was not a good one. When the roll out was done, I had in my tweet tweeted the brief lacunas on the muhurat ( Now, the aim of this article is to analyse the muhurat chart in detail. As you all know, on January 21, 2021 there was a huge fire at the Serum Institute of India, Pune which costed 5 precious human lives. However, the fire as reported occurred in a under-construction building and the production facility of the vaccine was unaffected.

Before we analyse the COVID Vaccine rollout chart, we will discuss the theoretical aspects of muhurat for such activity. The well known classic “Kalaprakasika” which deals on muhurat, has a chapter called “To take treatment”. This chapter gives essential muhurat requirements for such purposes as the rollout of vaccine. In muhurat, there are 5 parameters (Panchang) which needs to be satisfied. These are Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana. Apart from these, the muhurat chart for the moment should also have strong Moon, strength of Asd/Lagna lord, strength of lord of 5th house (as 5th house is end of disease as its 12th to the 6th house), lord of 7th house (as 7th house is the 12 house from the 8th house, the house of pandemic), and strength of lord of 10th house (house of governance). Let us  now deal with the muhurat concerning Panchang, the 5 parameters.

  1. Nakshatra – Medical treatment should begin under the following nakshatras – Ashwini, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Uttarphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapada, Hastha, Chitra, Swathi, Anuradha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satbhisha and Rewati.

When vaccine rollout was done, it was Satbhisha nakshatra. Hence, it is good. Symbol of Satbhisha is empty circle, or a thousand flowers or stars. The Deity is Varuna, god of the cosmic waters, of the sky and earth. This nakshatra is the large group of faint stars in the Water Bearer. The water poured out of this pot is the nectar of immortality. Fomulhaut is a star of musical abilities and great spirituality. It is mixed with great fortune and misfortune. As per mythology, Varuna pours out the waters of life that heals all illness and gives immortality. He is the divine healer, and is the god of maya and illusion. He gives divine grace from sincere repentance.

  • Vaar (day) – The best time for taking medicine are – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ruled by Hastha, Ashwini, Chitra and Punarvasu, at a time when Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupy their own vargas, a moveable sign or amsa of a moveable sign. This is specifically favourable for treatment of fever.

When the vaccine rollout was done, the day was a Saturday. It was certainly not a good day. No auspicious activity is begun on a Saturday.

  • Rahu Kaal. As it was a Saturday, the Rahu Kaal begins from 9.00 am to 10.30 am. After adjusting for local sunrise time (on January 16, 2021 was 7:15:58 am) for Delhi, the Rahu Kaal is from 9.00 am, the Rahu Kaal for Delhi was from 9:53:41 am to 11:12:33 am. The vaccine rollout was done at 11.05 am at Delhi.
  • Medical treatment should begin under UGRA YOGA (combinations of tithi and nakshatra). The following combinations produce Ugra Yogas:- (a).. Thritiya or Ashtami coinciding with Rohini nakshatra, (b). Chaturthi or Ashtami coinciding with Uttaraphalguni, (c) Panchami coinciding with Shravana, (d). Shashti coinciding with Mrigashirisha, (e) Sapthami with Revathi, (f) Navami with Krittika, (g) Dashami with Pushya, (h) Tritiya or Dwadashi with Anuradha, (i) Ekadashi with Krittika or Magha, (j) Dashami with Rohini and finally (k) Triyodashi with Uttaraphalguni.

As per Muhurta Chintamani classic, when Rikta tithi (Chaturthi, Navami, or Chaturdashi) coinciding with Saturday, its Siddha yoga.

As per Muhurta Chintamani classic, it was Ananda yoga, that for Saturday counting from Satbhisha (nakshatra prevailing on the day of rollout) is no 1. The no. 1 is Ananda yoga, which is good.

When vaccine rollout was done it was Chaturthi with Satabisha nakshatra.  So, this combination is also not good for rollout. As per Muhurta Chintamani the day is good as it was Siddha yoga and Ananda yoga.

  • Yoga was Vyatipata which is not good. It is one of the inauspicious yogas.
  • Karana was Vanija, which is good.

Now, let us come to analysis of Muhurta chart. The chart for the moment is given below.

The Asc rising is Pisces at 15.36 degrees. The Asc for such activity should be Cardinal/Chara. As we want change in the current situation. In D1 chart the sign rising is a Dual sign and in D9 its fixed/Sthir sign Scorpio. The Asc lord Jupiter is in the 11th house and is debilitated. It is conjunct Saturn. It is attaining neechabanga. However, the combustion of Saturn dilutes the neechabanga of Jupiter. Hence, Jupiter is weak. Jupiter is also lord of the 10th house of Government.

It was the hora of Saturn. Saturn is placed in its own house. However, it is combust being very close to the Sun.

The 10th house has Venus which is very close to bhava madhya degree. Placement of Venus is not good as it’s the 8th house mooltrikona lord. Hence, the placement of Venus will give setbacks, obstacles, sabotage, blockades, etc.

The Sun is in Mrityu bhaga (MB). It’s the lord of the 6th house of diseases. Since, its afflicted by being in MB, there are chances of new mutations of the virus those can get generated or there can be side effects to the vaccine rollout.

The conjunction of Saturn with Jupiter is not good for Jupiter as Saturn is the 12th house mooltikona lord for Pisces lagna. Jupiter is very near to the beginning of Visha ghati in Capricorn.

The lord of the 5th house (house of recovery from illness) is Moon. The lord of 7th house (house of recovery from pandemic) is Mercury. Both these planets are analysed below.  

Moon is placed in the 12th house and weak. The day when vaccine rollout was done it was Chaturthi tithi. When the tithi is chaturti, the signs Taurus and Aquarius becomes Shoonya. Hence, Moon is placed in the Shoonya rashi and thus becomes weak.

Mercury is in the sign Capricorn at 18.16 degrees in Amrita ghati and hence its considered good. However, the aspect of Rahu on it is a spoiler.

When transit Ketu/Rahu will be afflicting natal Asc degree from April 26, 2021 to July 11, 2021. During this period, there can be some setbacks to the rollout, which can be of any type like side effects to vaccine, setbacks, obstacles, etc.

Again, in the period from October 19, 2021 to December 26, 2021 there can setbacks in the rollout which can be due to side effects of vaccine, obstacles, etc.

Sundar Balakrishnan

B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)

2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad

(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)

Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)

M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)

Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai

Date: January 23, 2021  

Time: 9.00 PM, Mumbai, India(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)

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