Looking at the below detailed analysis, following effects can be envisaged. Now the question is when the following effects be witnessed. These effects will be seen during the whole period from the date of Shilaanyas till the date when the temple is completed and even after the completion of the temple construction. We all should remember that the Shilaanyas was done at the same site on November 9, 1989. We all know after that what happened on December 6, 1992 !!!.
- The overall parameters based on which the Shilaanyas was done has more of bad aspects than good ones.
- Since the Asc and its lord are afflicted, there will be either delay or it may get into several hurdles in the completion of the project.
- The Asc lord is the person who performs the Bhumi Pujan/Head of the Trust/Office bearers of the Temple. Since, its aspected by Mars from the 6th house (and as stated above), there can be attack on these people. There can also be terror attacks on the temple site by inimical forces.
- There will be tussle between the Office bearers. This is because the 10th lord (Governance of Temple) Moon is afflicted as stated above.
Analysis The long awaited Shilaanyas (Foundation ceremony) was done on August 5, 2020 at 12.44.08 pm at Ayodhya. There have been several arguments for and against the date of Muhurat. However, as is seen and evident that Government has chosen the date that was on Abrogation of Article 370. Probably, the Government wanted to attach importance to August 5th. However, we as Astrologers need to see the date in neutrality. Therefore we will analyse the chart from all angles and finally arrive at the conclusion based on the chosen Muhurat. The chart for the moment has been given below.

We will analyse it threadbare taking all the aspects of Vaastu, Muhurat (Panchanga) and Astrology.
As per the well known text of Mayamatam, Chapter 3 (Bhupariksha), shloka 11, its is stated that, a land which was with dead bodies, foul smell of fishes and birds are not be taken for any type of building. Be it for residence or for temple construction. It says;
Shavmeenapakshigandhaa Saa Dharaa Nindhithaa Varaihi |
Sabhaachaityasameepasthaa Nrupamandirasanshrithaa ||
Translation….Earth laiden with dead bodies, foul smell of fishes and birds should not be taken. Similarly, places near Auditorium, a prominent tree of the village and palace should also be avoided.
Panchanga (Almenac)
In Panchanga we have 5 fold divisions, namely, Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana. These should be conducive at the time of any muhurat. It is said that when we do not get any particular right date, one goes by any date but perform on Abhijit muhurat. The shilaanyas was performed on August 5, 2020 at 12.44.08 pm. It was a Wednesday.
- On Wednesday the Rahu Kaal is from 12 noon to 1.30 pm.
- Abhijit muhurat is 24 minutes before and after the Noon or Midnight (India chose to take independence at midnight at 12).
- The local sunrise time at Ayodhya was 5.28 am on August 5, 2020.
- There is no Abhijit muhurat on Wednesday as the Abhijit muhurat and Rahu kaal coincides. The Abhijit muhurat (without adjusting for local sunrise difference + or – ) is from 11.36 AM to 12.24 PM. (refer point “2” above).
Based on the above there was no Abhijit muhurat on that day. Even if for a moment we assume that there is Abhijit muhurat, the time based on 12 noon (without adjustment) will be from 11.36 AM to 12.24 PM. Whereas the Shilaanyaas was done at 12.44.08 PM. Further it was a Rahul kaal from 12 Noon to 1.30 PM. So based on the above it was done when there was no Abhijit Muhurat and was done in Rahu Kaal.
Now, let us take the Abhijit muhurat and Rahu Kaal with adjustment for local sunrise time. As stated earlier, the local sunrise time was 5.28 AM at Ayodhya. So, the local Noon time will be 11.28 AM (12 Noon minus the difference between standard sunrise time minus the local sunrise time – 6 AM minus 5-28 AM = 00-32-00). Based on this, the Abhijit muhurat will begin at 11.04 AM and end at 11-52 AM. The Rahu kaal will be from 11.28 AM to 12.58 PM. So, here again it was not done during Abhijit muhurat and was done during Rahu Kaal.
Now, let us see the Panchanga.
- It was Bhadrapad maas. During this period no auspicious events are done as per sages. Only, poojas, prayers, etc are done during this time. It’s a period of Dakshinaayan (when Sun has its course form Cancer to Sagittarius). The Shilaanyas is not permitted which is an auspicious event. One may argue that its of Lord Ram, and hence can be performed. But it does not hold water.
- The Tithi was Krishna Dwitya. As per Brihat Samhita, the 2nd tithi (Dwitiya) is lorded by “Vidhathaa” (Creator). The 2nd tithi is “Bhadra”. The lord of this Tithi as per Narada Purana is “Dandadhara” (Another name of Yama, as the beholder of Justice, the giver of punishment based on the Karma.)
- Vaar is Wednesday ruled by Mercury. Mercury is supposed to be strong in the Muhurat chart. In the Muhurat chart, Mercury is in Cancer and its combust. Mercury is in its fast enemy’s house as per the rule of Panchada Maitri. In the D9 chart, Mercury is placed in Leo, its friend’s house but aspected by two separating planets Saturn and Mars.
- Nakshatra on the day was of Satbhisha. Its lord is Rahu, therefore Rahu’s placement in the chart is important. Rahu in the D1 chart is in Gemini and its in D9 its in Libra. Its in good position. Śravaṇa, Dhaniṣṭhā, Śatabhiṣa. Hasta and Svāti are asterisms through which when the Moon passes shall be commenced works of a moving character. That means it’s a Cardinal/Moveable nakshatra. Any good event should be performed on Fixed nakshatra as it gives stability. The deity of this nakshatra is Varuna, god of the cosmic waters, of the sky and earth.
- Yoga was Shobhana, which is good.
- Karana was Gara (Elephant). As per Brihat Samhita, the lords of the seven Karaṇas are, viz. Bava, Bālava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vaṇija, and Viṣṭi, are Indra, Brahmā, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhū, Śrī and Yama. The seven Karaṇas mentioned above are known as Adhruva or Movable. The Karana should have been of Fixed nature.
- It is never possible to get all the aspects of Panchanga of perfect quality. There are always good/bad in the Panchnaga. However, the day should be chosen so as to get maximum good points. In the above, the good aspects of Panchanga are as follows.
- Yoga (Shobhana) is good
- Vaar (Wednesday) is good
- Naksharta (Satbhisha) is good due to its ruling Deity.
The bad aspects of Panchanga are more, namely;
- It was done in Rahu Kaal and not Abhijit Muhurta (This is the main aspect which has gone wrong and due to this the timing is not desirable).
- The nakshatra was Cardinal one
- The Karana was also Cardinal one
- It was Bhadrapad maas
- The Nakshatra lord, Mercury is weak.
Now let us go to the planetary positions as per the Muhurat chart given above.
The Ascendant rising is Libra rising at 24 deg 17 mts. The rising sign is Cardinal sign. For events such as Shilaanyas the rising sign should be of Fixed sign so that it can give stability. In the D9 chart the rising sign is Taurus, which is a Fixed sign. However, the rising sign between D1 and D9 are in Quincunx (6/8 position – Shadashtak). The lord of Libra is in Gemini in the 9th house along with Rahu. Venus is aspected by Mars (which is aspected by Saturn Rx) from the 6th house. Mars is on the exact 180 degrees from Gulika in Virgo. Rahu is in MKS (Marana Karaka Sthana). Jupiter is in 3rd house again in MKS. The dasa at Muhurat was Rahu/Rahu/Sun. Rahu in D9 is in 6th house and Sun is in the 8th house. Similarly, the Asc is also aspected by Rahu, Mars and Saturn. Therefore, both the Asc as well as Asc lord are heavily afflicted. Next, the Moon which is supposed to be free from affliction is in the 5th house in papakartari yoga between Saturn and Mars and its also aspected by Rahu. Moon is the 10th house lord. Looking at the above following effects can be envisaged.
- The overall parameters based on which the Shilaanyas was done has more of bad aspects than good ones.
- Since the Asc and its lord are afflicted, there will be either delay or it may get into several hurdles in the completion of the project.
- The Asc lord is the person who performs the Bhumi Pujan/Head of the Trust/Office bearers of the Temple. Since, its aspected by Mars from the 6th house (and as stated above), there can be attack on these people. There can also be terror attacks on the temple site by inimical forces.
- There will be tussle within the Office bearers. This is because the 10th lord (Governance of Temple) Moon is afflicted as stated above.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: August 9th, 2020
Time: 9.00 PM, Mumbai, India
(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)