Conclusion (For detailed astrological analysis read the analysis section):
The effect of the New Moons (Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces) will give its effect during the period from January 14, 2022 to April 14, 2022.
About Pisces New Moon, which is well known as Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, I will write a detailed article on it at a later date. For now, I have only analysed the chart with respect to planetary placements in the chart.
In all the three New Moon charts there is Kaala Sarpa Yoga (KSY). Though no astrological classics provide for KSY, the effect of Rahu/Ketu is felt through its placement and association with other planets.
In two out of three charts, (i.e. Capricorn and Pisces New Moon charts), the New Moon is occurring in the 10th house, which signifies Government, Governance, Political leaders, Government officials, Government policies, etc. So, these will be in the limelight during the above period.
Schools and colleges will get shut due to epidemic (COVID and its new variants). There will be increase in COVID and result in more deaths. Government will need to explore all possible ways to control the spread, enforce stringent lockdown measures, come out with booster doses, vaccine for children, etc. There will be fall in stock markets, some important film personalities may fall sick/expire, our country will not perform well in sports, etc. There will be danger from diseases, mass deaths, sudden events and accidents, etc.
Some Government official/Political leaders (both from ruling/opposition parties) will expire/face sudden death/fall seriously ill.
The Government will have to be on alert to tackle the spread of diseases (COVID and its variant).
Farmers protests will re-emerge again.
Natural calamity of high intensity will occur.
The revenues will be on the increase. The Government will resort additional borrowings. The earnings from foreign trade will show an increase. Revenue earnings will be more from FDIs. Additional revenues by raising taxes. The trading community will also be taxed in order to raise resources.
Apart from the Sun’s ingress into cardinal signs of Aries (Mesha), Cancer (Karka), Libra (Thula) and Capricorn (Makara), the intervening New Moon charts after the Capricorn (Makar Sankrant) ingress, i.e. New Moon of Capricorn, New Moon of Aquarius and finally the New Moon of Pisces (which is well known as “Chaitra Shukla Pratipada”) are considered very important in mundane astrology. These New Moon charts give direction for the respective months for the period beginning Capricorn ingress to Aries ingress. I have already written my previous article on Capricorn ingress (Makara Sankrant). The readers can go through my article by clicking to this link ( Now, this article will analyse the intervening New Moons between Capricorn ingress and Aries ingress. In the case of Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, it gives the directions for the whole year till the next Chaitra Shukla Pratipada of 2023. The New Moon of Capricorn will be more important because on February 1, 2022 both the Railway and Union Budgets will be presented by the Government and coincidently the New Moon occurs on February 1, 2022.
We will analyse these charts purely from Laghu Parashar principles.
Let us begin with the New Moon chart of Capricorn, which occurs on February 1, 2022 at 11.15.56 am at Delhi. The chart is given below.

The New Moon is occurring in the 10th house of Governance. So, all the 10th house issues like Governance, Government, Political leaders, Government officials, etc will be in highlighted. The Asc rising is Aries with 10.31 degrees. The Asc lord, Mars is in the 9th house with the 2nd and 7th lord Venus. The Asc lord Mars is debilitated in the Navamsa and it is having neecha bhanga too. However, it is a chart with Kaala Sarpa Yoga (KSY) where all the planets are between Rahu and Ketu. However, no astrological classics provide presence of KSY. However, its effects are seen depending upon the placement of Rahu/Ketu and its conjunction/aspects from other planets. There are 12 types of KSY. When the Rahu is in the 2nd house and Ketu is in the 8th house, it goes by the name of “Kulik KSY”. During this type of KSY, there may be various types of diseases, mass deaths (8th house Ketu and Rahu in 2nd, a maraka). There will be scandals involving huge sums of money. The 10th house has the 10th and 11th house lord Saturn (a highly malefic planet), the 3rd and 6th house lord, Mercury (another highly malefic planet), Sun the lord of 5th house (a benefic, trikona lord) and finally the lord of 4th house, Moon (a kendra lord, a neutral planet). The conjunction of Sun and Moon are yoga creating planets. however, the conjunction of Saturn and Mercury has spoiled the Sun and Moon conjunction. Additionally, Rahu (which is with Gulika in close conjunction degreecally) is also aspecting the planets in the Capricorn from the 2nd house. Overall, not a good combination of planets in Capricorn in the 10th house.
The conjunction of 6th lord Mercury with Sun (lord of 5th house) will mean schools and colleges (5th house) getting shut due to epidemic (6th house).
The Saturn (10th and 11th lord) in conjunction with 5th lord (Sun) and 4th lord (Moon) are good combination. But with conjunction of Mercury (3rd and 6th lord) and Saturn (11th lord) will mean, some Government official/Political leaders getting sick. The Government (10th house) will have to be on alert to tackle the spread of diseases (6th house, COVID and its variant). The revenues (11th house) will be on increase. The Government will resort additional borrowings (6th house).
The 9th and 12th lord Jupiter is in the 11th house, will mean the earnings from foreign trade (9th and 12th house) will show an increase. Revenue earnings (11th house) will be more from FDIs (9th and 12th house).
The conjunction of Venus (2nd and 7th lords) and Mars (1st and 8th lord) in the 9th house will mean additional revenues (2nd house) by raising taxes (8th house). The trading community (7th house) will also be taxed (8th house) in order to raise resources.
The dasa is of Mercury/Mercury. The Mercury is lord of 3rd and 6th house. The effect of Mercury in conjunction with planets such as Sun, Moon, and Saturn are given above.
New Moon chart of Aquarius occurring on March 2, 2022 at 23.04.43 IST at Delhi.

The New Moon is occurring in the 5th house. So, 5th house significations of stock exchanges, entertainment, film industry, sports, etc will be highlighted.
The conjunction of Sun (lord of 11th, badaka), Moon (lord of 10th house, Government), and Jupiter (lord of 3rd and 6th house) are not a good yoga. This can result in fall in stock markets (5th house), some important film personalities may fall sick/expire, our country will not perform well in sports, etc.
The Asc rising is Libra at 20.31 degrees. The Rahu is in the 8th house and Ketu is in the 2nd house. This goes by the name of “Karkotak KSY”. There will be danger from diseases, mass deaths, sudden events and accidents, etc.
The Asc lord Venus is in the 4th house along with Mars (lord of 2nd and 7th), Saturn (lord of 4th and 5th) and Mercury (lord of 9th and 12th). It is aspected by Rahu from the 8th house. The conjunction of Venus (Asc lord and 8th) with Mars (2nd and 7th, maraka) is not good. This will have the impact of increase in COVID and result in more deaths. Venus and Mars in close degreecal conjunction and aspected by Rahu from 8th house, which is also in same degrees. The combination of Venus, Mars, Saturn and Mercury are all giving rise to good yoga. However, the aspect of Rahu is not good. The farmer protests will be seen again from March 2022. There will also be natural calamities.
The next New Moon well known as “Chaitra Shukla Pratipada” is occurring on April 1, 2022 at 11.54.18 IST at Delhi.

This chart is very relevant as far as the whole year trend is concerned. I will later write a detailed article on this chart separately. For now, I will analyse only with respect to the planetary positions of the above chart.
The Asc rising is Gemini at 20.37 degrees. The Asc lord Mercury is in the 10th house very close degreecally with the New Moon.
The New Moon occurs in the 10th house. So, all the aspects of 10th house such as Government, Political leaders, Governance, Government officials, policies of Government, etc will be in the limelight. The 10th house has Sun (lord of 3rd house), Moon (lord of 2nd house) and Mercury (Asc and 4th lord). These three planets in the 10th house are afflicted by the two highly rated natural malefics, Saturn (lord of 8th and 9th) and Mars (lord of 6th and 11th). Both these planets, Saturn and Mars are aspecting from the 8th house (a highly malefic house). It is also aspected by Ketu from the 6th house. The above combinations are not good at all. This will result in some top Political leaders/Government will expire/meet with sudden death/fall seriously ill, etc. The spread of COVID and its new variant will be more in this month of April 2022.
The Dasa is of Mercury/Mercury. Mercury is the Asc and 4th lord and is placed in the 10th house. Since, Mercury is in the 10th house (whose effects are already mentioned above) it will give all the effects as mentioned above.
The Asc lord signifies the general state of affairs of the country, the people, health, home affairs, etc. The 4th house signifies the farmers, farming community, natural calamities, opposition parties, etc. So, we can witness the farmer protests re-emerging and becoming strong, there will be some natural calamity of high intensity, some senior Opposition leaders will expire/face sudden death/fall seriously ill, etc. Here again the COVID and its new variant spread will be more and Government will need to explore all possible ways to control the spread, enforce stringent lockdown measures, come out with booster doses, vaccine for children, etc.
In all the above cases all the planets are between Rahu and Ketu giving rise to Kaala Sarpa Yoga (KSY). Though KSY is not recognised in any of the classics, the effects are certainly seen in a chart depending upon the placement of Rahu/Ketu and its association with other planets.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: December 20, 2021
Time: 10.00 AM, Mumbai, India
(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)