Sundar Balakrishnan


Today Supreme court is going to decide on the Delhi government formation. The case was filed by AAP in SC for dissolution of Delhi assembly and requested for fresh polls in Delhi.


As per my analysis If the judgment is delivered between 14:11 to 15:38 today then the judgement will be in favor of AAP and SC will give verdict to dissolve the assembly so that fresh polls can be held.

The reasoning is because, at 14.11 the lagna rising will be Aquarius. Aquarius is a “Shirsodaya” sign. The lagna lord is finely placed in the 9th house exalted along with 9th lord Venus. The 6th house (which stands for disputes) Moon is placed in the 11th house along with the 10th lord Mars. The 6th house has exalted Jupiter which is lord of 2 and 11. Moon the 6th lord is in Itthasala with the Lagna lord Saturn. Jupiter the 2 and 11 lord is in Itthasala with the lagna lord Saturn.

In case the judgment is delivered before 14.11 or after 15.38 then SCs judgment will be against AAP and BJP will be invited to form the government.


Sundar Balakrishnan

28th October, 2014

Mumbai, at 12.15 pm



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