The final culmination point of war/war-like situation between India and China/Pakistan will be between end December 2020 and February 2021. The seed for the conflict is already sown by the transit Jupiter currently in the sign Capricorn.
I have been researching in mundane astrology for the last 10 years. Among all the 9 planets, I have found the planets Jupiter, Mars and Venus in addition to Rahu/Ketu plays a very important role for India for triggering war or war-like conditions for India. I will prove this with the help of few charts of the past wars wherein India had participated. With the India Independence chart at the background, we will analyse the few past war time charts. We will see the role of Jupiter/Mars/Venus/Rahu/Ketu in triggering wars for India. The chart of India Independence chart is given below.

The Asc rising is Taurus at 7.46 degrees. The houses related to wars are 1st, 6th,7th, 8th, 12th and finally the 3rd house which signifies the bordering countries with which the wars usually arise. For India, as mentioned earlier Jupiter/Mars/Venus/Rahu/Ketu either singly or jointly aspect the 3rd house of bordering countries or combination of the above-mentioned houses. The lords of 6th house Venus, 8th house Jupiter, 12th house Mars and Rahu/Ketu throws its aspects on the 3rd house or combination of the above houses.
India China war in Oct 1962. The war began on October 20, 1962. The chart for the trigger is given below.

The above planet’s placement will have to be looked into with respect to India Independence chart. The planet Jupiter was in the sign Aquarius at 9.38 degrees was aspecting the 6th house of the India Independence chart. Mars was in the 3rd house at 10 degrees in Cancer. Rahu was in the sign Cancer at 11.54 degrees. Venus was in the 7th house in Scorpio at 4.04 degrees. The degrees of all the above planets are within 5 degrees orb from the India Independence Asc degree of 7.46.
India Pakistan war began on December 3, 1971. The chart for this date is given below.

The above planet’s placement and aspects have to be compared to the India Independence chart. Jupiter was in Scorpio at 22.17 degrees and aspecting Venus at 22.33 degrees in Cancer in the 3rd house of India Independence chart. Venus was in the 8th house in Sagittarius at 11.04 degrees. Ketu was in the sign Cancer in the 3rd house at 13.17 degrees over the natal Mercury at 13.40 degrees in Cancer.
Annexation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

It began on July 22, 1954. The planet Jupiter and Ketu we are 20 and 21 degrees in Gemini, respectively and they were aspecting natal Jupiter in sign Libra in the 6th house at 25 degrees. Mars in the sign Sagittarius retrograde in the 8th house at 2.44 degrees aspecting natal Moon in the sign Cancer the 3rd house at 3.59 degrees.
Annexation of Goa. The duration was from December 17 to 19, 1961.

Jupiter was in the sign Capricorn at 13.58 degrees aspecting natal Mercury in Cancer in 3rd house at 13.40 degrees. Rahu was in the sign Cancer in the 3rd house at 26.20 degrees conjunct natal Sun at 27.59 degrees. Mars was in 8th house in Sagittarius at 1.04 degrees aspecting natal Moon in the sign Cancer in 3rd house at 3.59 degrees.
Nathu La and Cho La clashes. It was between September 11 to 14, 1967.

Jupiter was in the 3rd house in Cancer at 29.21 degrees conjunct natal Sun at 27.59 degrees. Mars was in sign Scorpio in the 7th house at 7.22 degrees aspecting natal Asc degree of 7.46 degrees. Rahu was in the 12th house at 5.19 degrees conjunct the 12th house cuspal degree of 7.46. Similarly, Ketu was in the 6th house in sign Libra at 5,19 degrees.
Siachen conflict. It began on April 13, 1984 and ended on November 25, 2003, the longest conflict.

Mars retrograde was in Scorpio at 4.20 degrees aspecting natal Asc degree. Ketu was also in the 7th house at 13.48 degrees aspecting natal Mercury in the 3rd house at 13.40 degrees.
Now, after coming to conclusion based on the above analysis, let us see when these planets Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu afflict the 3rd house or the houses 1st, 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses. As on November 22, 2020, Jupiter has already entered the sign Capricorn and its at 0.26 degrees. In end December, 2020, Mars will be in the sign Aries in the 12th house of India chart at 2.40 degrees and throwing its aspect on Moon in the 3rd house at 3.59 degrees. Jupiter at this time will be at 8.20 degrees in Capricorn giving its aspect on natal Mercury at 13.40 degrees. Ketu will be at 25.47 degrees in the Sign Scorpio in the 7th house giving its aspect to natal Sun in the 3rd house at 27.59 degrees. Venus later will be in the sign Sagittarius at 7 degrees in the 8th house. Finally, on February 10, 2021 all planets (6 planets including Jupiter and Venus) will be in sign Capricorn giving its aspect on the planets in the 3rd house. On this day Mars will be in the 12th house at 23.41 degrees aspecting natal Saturn, Venus and Sun in the 3rd house. Ketu in this day will be in the sign Scorpio at 23.47 degrees aspecting natal Saturn, Venus and Sun the 3rd house. So, the final culmination point of war/war-like situation between India and China/Pakistan will be between end December 2020 and February 2021. The seed for the conflict is already sown by the transit Jupiter currently in the sign Capricorn.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: November 23, 2020
Time: 8.00 AM, Mumbai, India
(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)