Conclusion (For detailed astrological analysis read the analysis section):
On comparison of aspects by transit planets on natal planets of EPS, OPS and Stalin, we can see that all the three leaders have malefic aspects. However, the malefic aspects of transit planets on natal planets of EPS are more severe. In case of OPS its slightly lesser. In the case of Stalin, the malefic aspects are slightly lesser as compared to EPS. However, there are two benefic aspects of Jupiter and Mercury which stands out. By this we can conclude that Stalin stands a better chance to become the next CM as compared to EPS/OPS.
I finally got the chart of EPS, OPS and Stalin. In order to check the authenticity of these charts, we will check them through the death of Karunanidhi in case of Stalin and death of Jayalalitha in the case of EPS and OPS.
Edappadi K. Palaniswami chart is given below. The birth details as per the Wikipedia is given as May 12, 1954. However, the birth details that is with me is March 20, 1954. When I applied the transits of the date when Jayalalitha passed away on December 5, 2016, I could see the events matching as per the natal chart given below. Let us see the event of death of Jayalalitha. The chart below gives the transits as on December 5, 2016.

The Asc rising is Gemini 7.17 degrees. On the date of December 5, 2016. On this date the transit Ketu was at 13.33 degrees in Aquarius and it was afflicting the natal Mercury at 9.58 degrees in Aquarius. Mercury is his 4th lord of throne and mother. For him Jayalalitha was like mother to her and due to her death his political career was on cross roads. Also, transit Ketu was aspecting natal Saturn the 9th lord of fortune and fame in Libra at 15.19 degrees. Now let us look at the transits on the election day on April 6, 2021 at 7 am for Chennai.

The above chart provides the natal and transits. The transit Mars (lord of 11th) is transiting in the 12th house (loss) at 25.19 degrees in Taurus over the natal Jupiter in Taurus the 10th lord (Status) at 25.28 degrees. This is not a good aspect. Transit Rahu in Taurus at 19.40 degrees is also afflicting the natal Jupiter the 10th lord in Taurus. The transit Rahu in Taurus at 19.40 degrees is aspecting the natal Moon in Virgo at 14.06 degrees in the 4th house (throne) the lord of 2nd house (status). The transit Ketu in Scorpio in the 6th house at 19.40 degrees is aspecting the natal Venus in Pisces at 17.55 degrees in the 10th house of status, the lord of 5th house of fame. His dasa is of Mercury which just began in the month of February 2021. Mercury is in Vipat tara. The transit Mercury is in Pisces at 9.18 degrees is debilitated. The transit Mars in Taurus at 25.19 degrees is lord of 11th house of desires is in the 12th house and it is aspecting the natal Mars in Scorpio at 26.48 degrees. The transits are not at all in his favour.
Now, let us look at the chart of O Pannerselvam. First let us check it with the event of death of Jayalalitha. The chart given below gives the natal as well as the transits as on December 5, 2016.

The Asc rising is Taurus at 26.27 degrees. As on December 5, 2016 the transit Ketu was in Aquarius at 13.33 degrees afflicting the natal Jupiter in Aquarius at 14.09 degrees (lord of 8th house of failure and obstacles) in the 10th house of status. Transit Rahu was in Leo at 13.33 degrees and was aspecting natal Mercury in the 8th house (obstacles, death, etc) at 8.57 degrees in Sagittarius lord of 5th house of fame.
Now, let us look at transits as on election date of April 6, 2021. The following chart gives both the natal and transit positions as on that date.

The transit Ketu in Scorpio at 19.40 degrees in the 7th house is apecting the natal Moon (lord of 3rd house of efforts) in Pisces at 23.39 degrees in the 11th house (desires). The transit Rahu in Taurus at 19.40 degrees in Asc is aspecting natal Venus (lord of 6th house of competition and fights) in Capricorn at 15.02 degrees. The transit Mars the lord of 12th house of losses is transiting in Taurus in Asc at 25.19 degrees exactly over the natal Asc degree of 26.27 degrees. The transit Venus in Pisces at 25.04 degrees lord of 6th house is transiting over the natal Moon in Pisces at 23.39 degrees. Even in the case of O Pannerselvam the transits are not in his favour. The dasa is of Rahu/Venus/Sun. Rahu is in the 10th house in D1 chart, in the sign Scorpio (debilitated) in D10 chart. Venus is in the 9th house in D1 chart and in the 6th house in D10. In transit, Venus is afflicted by transit Ketu. Sun is in the 9th house in rashi sandhi in D1 and it is also afflicted in transit in Pisces by transit Ketu from Scorpio.
Now, let us look at the chart of M K Stalin. First let us look at the event of his father’s death on August 7, 2018.

The above chart gives both natal and transit positions as on August 7, 2018. Father is signified by the 9th house. The Asc rising is Scorpio at 8.27 degrees. The transit Rahu was in Cancer near the cusp of the 9th house at 11.13 degrees. The transit Mars (Rx) the lord of 6th house was aspecting the cusp of 9th house degrees from Capricorn. The transit Rahu from Cancer at 11.13 degrees was aspecting the natal Asc Scorpio at 8.27 degrees.
Now, let us look at the transits as on the election date of April 6, 2021. The chart below provides both natal and transit charts.

The transit Rahu in Taurus at 19.40 degrees is aspecting natal Rahu in Capricorn at 17.42 degrees in the 3rd house of efforts. The transit Mars in Taurus at 25.19 degrees lord of 6th house is aspecting the natal Moon in Leo at 28.12 degrees in the 10th house. The transit Ketu in Scorpio at 19.40 degrees is aspecting the natal Mars in Pisces at 23.07 degrees in the 5th house (fame) and lord of 6th house. Transit Ketu similarly is aspecting the natal Ketu in Cancer in the 9th house. The transit Moon in Capricorn at 12.42 degrees is conjunct natal Rahu in Capricorn at 17.42 degrees. The transit Sun is in Pisces the lord of 10th is conjunct natal Mars lord of 6th house. Similarly, the transit Venus (lord of 12th ) is also conjunct natal Mars in Pisces. The transit Jupiter in Aquarius at 00.03 degrees lord of 2nd house is aspecting the natal Saturn in Libra lord of 4th house of throne. The transit Mercury in Pisces is exactly conjunct natal Mercury (lord of 11th house) and aspecting the 11th house cusp. These two aspects of Jupiter and Mercury are excellent aspects.
The dasa is of Saturn/Moon/Saturn. Saturn is in the 12th house lord of 4th house in D1. IN D10 its in the 3rd house. The transit Saturn is in sign Capricorn in the 3rd house and is afflicted by transit Rahu from Taurus. The antara lord Moon is in the 10th house lord of 9th house. In D10, Moon is in the 9th house in Taurus and exalted.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: March 1, 2021
Time: 12.00 Noon, Mumbai, India
(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)