Raj Shrikant Thackeray, born on 14 June 1968 at 5.44 pm at Mumbai, is an Indian politician and the founding chairperson of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), a regional political party. He is the nephew of ShivSena Founder Balasaheb Thackeray. The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) is a Regionalist Indian political party based in the state of Maharashtra and operates on the ideology of Hindutva and Marathi Manus. It was founded on 9 March 2006 in Mumbai by Raj Thackeray after he left the Shiv Sena party due to differences with his cousin Uddhav Thackeray. MNS won 13 assembly seats (out of 288) in the 2009 assembly elections, which was the first Maharashtra Legislative Assembly election that the party contested. In the most recent elections of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly 2019, MNS won 1 seat. Analysis

The Ascendant rising is Scorpio 10.14 degrees in the nakshatra of Saturn which is in the 5th house in the sign Pisces at 29.47 degrees in gandantha. The Ascendant lord is Mars and it is placed in the 8th house and being very close to the Sun (lord of the 10th house signifying status, fame, position, profession, etc) is in deep combustion. Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashirsha lorded by Mars. Mars is with the lord of the 8th house, signifying obstacles and setbacks. The current dasa is of Saturn/Mars from February 21, 2024 to April 1, 2025. As said earlier the antar dasa lord Mars is weak being placed in the 8th house. Mars in this year, will stay between the sign Gemini and Cancer till June 6, 2025. The dasa lord Saturn in transit will be in the sign Aquarius aspected by debilitated Mars from the sign Cancer. Mars is the Ascendant lord. In transit, the Mars is transiting in the sign Cancer which is the sign of its debilitation. Due to this he will face setbacks in the upcoming Maharashtra assembly election due on November 20, 2024. He will also face health issues during this period. Also, since his ascendant lord is in the 8th house, he will always be surrounded by controversies and setbacks. He and his party will never be able to get majority in the state assembly election in the future atleast till February 2028. He will show some improvement from the period February 2028, when his Saturn dasa and Jupiter antar dasa will begin. This period will be till August 2030. So, the Maharashtra State assembly elections due in the year 2029 will prove somewhat fruitful for him.
Will his Son, Amit Thackeray (his birth are not available with me) who is also standing from Worli, be successful? The 5th house (which signifies children) as the Ascendant, i.e. Pisces, the Saturn is in the Ascendant conjunct Rahu. The antar dasa lord, Mars is in the 4th house along with Sun lord of the 5th house and also Mercury the lord of the 4th and 7th house. It is very weak being in the rasi sandhi and in infant awastha. As said earlier, the antar dasa lord Mars in transiting in the sign cancer, which is its debilitation sign. So, his getting elected to the state assembly election is also ruled out.
Will his wife, Ms Sharmila Thackeray enter into politics in future? Taking the 7th house (signifying spouse) as Ascendant, the sign Taurus, it has Venus. Venus is afflicted by being aspected by Saturn (which is with Rahu). Venus is debilitated in the Navamsa, hence weak. Based on this, she will not show any inclination to enter into politics in the future.
To conclude, the current state assembly elections will not be a success for Raj Thackeray and his party. Neither, his Son, Amit Thackeray will be successful in the upcoming elections. His wife, Ms Sharmila Thackeray entering into politics is ruled out.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: November 16, 2024
Place: Mumbai, India
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