1. Imran Khan is likely to get in to tussle with the Military establishment.
2. There is likely of Military coup.
3. His allies may pull the plug and thereby the stability will be at stake
4. His health is likely to suffer. Especially during the period August 2020 to June 2021.
5. With respect to the stability of Government, the vulnerable periods are Mercury period from August 2019 to April 2020, Ketu from April 2020 to August 2020, Venus from August 2020 to June 2021, will be testing times for the PM. The period when Saturn enters Capricorn in Jan 2020 will be critical.
There has been change of guard in Pakistan. Imran Khan has been voted decisively by the people and he took oath. I had tweeted about his possible victory in my tweet. Refer my tweet,
Now I will analyse the Oath taking chart threadbare and let us see how is it going to be for the new PM to Govern for the next 5 years.
Following is the Oath taking chart.
The Asc is at 0 deg 57 Libra. The Asc is vargottami, but the Asc lord Venus is debilitated. Though it is attaining neechabhanga. In neechabhanga, the planet which is neecha gives its neecha effect in the period of neecha planet (Venus) and then during the period of neechabhanga planet (Jupiter) it gives the rise. The Asc lord Venus is aspected by Saturn retrograde and Ketu. The Asc has Jupiter (Lord of 6th house, signifying Army) and Moon (lord of 10th house). So, he will work in tandem and in consultation with Army. Moon and Jupiter in its SAV/BAV is very strong (Moon is 6/29 and Jupiter is 6/29). Presence of Jupiter in Asc will end up in disputes with Army. Moon is in the ending degree “Rashi sandhi”. The 6th house Pieces is very strong in Ashtakavarga at 34 points, however Jupiter is having on 3 in BAV. The kendras are occupied with all malefics making the chart weak. Sun the planet of politics is very strong in Leo with the strength in Ashtakavarga at 7/36. In D9, Sun is exalted. In D9 too in Ashtakavarga Sun is very strong at 4/34. Ketu in the 4th house (of Opposition) is in Mrityu Bhaga. This makes the Opposition very weak.
The Panchang parameters of the Oath taking chart are as follows;
– Tithi is Shukla Ashtamai which is avoided for good occasions as it is said to be Rikta denoting Zero or Empty.
– Vaar is Saturday ruled by Saturn. Here again auspicious work is not done on Saturdays. Saturn is retro in the 3rd house.
– Yoga is Bramha which is good.
– Karana is Vishti which is not a good one.
– Nakshatra is Vishaka ruled by Jupiter. It is signified by Triumphal arch, potter’s wheel. It shows creativity. The diety is Indagni, a pair of deities Indra is the chef of the gods, and Agni is fire deified. Such people are very goal oriented, and don’t give up until they achieve success. Ambition, and concentrated power will conquer any obstacles or rivals. They are extremely competitive. With their hash opinions they may force their will and ideas on others. The end result or their bottom line may involve stepping on or either using others to get what they want. They need to be careful not to win the battle, but loose the war, by pushing their agendas too hard. If you have what they want, it will be hard for them to hide their feelings of envy and jealousy. They can become frustrated and angry when they don’t get what they want. They are always hopeful of success and their determination will persevere. They are patient, persistent and determined. They experience success in the second half of their life. As the warrior spirit they will get what they want, their best solution is to be the spiritual warrior.
In Oath taking charts the following houses play very important role.
– First house which represents the PM itself. The first house is already mentioned above and since it is weak the chart overall becomes weak.
– 4th house. This signifies the Opposition. The 4th house has Mars (R ) and Ketu in MB. The 4th house thus weak.
– The next is the 7th house which represents the PTI allies. The PTI has allied with few of the Political parties. The 7th house has no planets. The lord of 7th house is Mars which is retrograde and conjunct Ketu which is MB. This the allies may pull the plug anytime making the Government shaky.
– The next and most important house is the 10th house which signifies Government. The 10th house is Cancer. Its lord Moon is in Libra in “Rasi sandhi” along with the lord of 6th house Jupiter. Though Moon is in Amrut Ghati, its association with the 6th lord is not good. Hence, the Govt is likely to get into tussle with the military as the 6th house represents Military, Army, Navy, etc.
Simhasan Chakra
Moon is important as it forms the part of muhurta. Strong Moon is essential for choosing a good muhurta and ensures longevity of the government. It should not be afflicted any way or conjunct with malefics. In the oath taking chart, Moon is in Vishaka nakshatra and it is in the “Patta” section. Moon in the Patta gives only limited power. Looking into the situation in Pakistan, he will surely by controlled and directed by Military. In case of any dissent there is possibility of Military coup in the future.
Kota Chakra
This is another indicator of longevity of the Government. Here the Kota Swami (The CM itself) is Venus placed in the “Duragantara”. The Kota Pala (the Care taker or In this case the Opposition who keeps the ruling government under check) is Jupiter and it is placed in the “Bahya”. The placement of above two are good but the dreaded malefics Saturn and Mars (who are retrograde) are in the “Ëntry”. This makes the chakra weak. Saturn is lord of 4th and Mars is lord of 7th. So, the Opposition and Allies are likely to create problems for him.
Now let us see the Compressed 5 year Vimshottari Dasa
Vimsottari Dasa:
Jup: 2018-02-15 – 2018-10-20
Sat: 2018-10-20 – 2019-08-04
Merc: 2019-08-04 – 2020-04-16
Ket: 2020-04-16 – 2020-08-03
Ven: 2020-08-03 – 2021-06-02
Sun: 2021-06-02 – 2021-09-04
Moon: 2021-09-04 – 2022-01-31
Mars: 2022-01-31 – 2022-05-17
Rah: 2022-05-17 – 2023-02-15
From the above, Mercury period from August 2019 to April 2020, Ketu from April 2020 to August 2020, Venus from August 2020 to June 2021, will be testing times for the PM. The period when Saturn enters Capricorn in Jan 2020 will be critical.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Faculty of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai.
Date: 29th August, 2018
Time: 7 PM, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India