Conclusion: (for detailed analysis read the analysis section below)
The effect of this eclipse will be for a period of four/five months beginning from October 19, 2021 (that is till March 2022). There will be dispute with Afghanistan which will result into retaliation (6th house). It can also be with any other country other than Afghanistan. More business houses/airline/communications industry will face resource crunch which will have a burden on the exchequer. The Government will announce bail-out package to these loss-making industries. The Government will fund more money into retirement funds, which will benefit the labour class. In order to finance the COVID victims, the Government will raise additional resources through borrowings and taxes. The US will face more casualties arising out of the pandemic/epidemic. There will be natural calamity of high intensity which will be mostly on account of earthquakes. There will be increase in the minimum wages for high skilled labourers which will result is more immigrants into the US. The top industrial houses will provide employment opportunities to highly skilled labour and these companies in order to finance their growth will approach equity markets. Due to this too, there will be increase in immigration quotas for persons travelling into the US. The Government will come out with some policies to accommodate the persons who have immigrated to US from Afghanistan. The Government will retaliate against Afghanistan in order to get back their US citizens who are stranded there. As of today, there are no exact statistics available on how many more US citizens are stranded in the Taliban affected Afghanistan. On February 20, 2022 there will be Pluto return (i.e. the transit Pluto will come to exact natal Pluto degrees). I will be writing a separate article on this at a later date.
There are going to be two eclipses in the coming months. One on November 19, 2021 which is going to be Partial Lunar Eclipse will be visible in many countries (like North and South America, Australia, and parts of Europe and Asia.) Especially near Washington DC, USA. It is not visible in India.
In addition to this Lunar eclipse, there is also a Total Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 which is not visible in the USA. Hence, I will only analyse the effect of Partial Lunar Eclipse of November 19, 2021. The effect of this eclipse will be for a period of four/five months beginning from October 19, 2021 (that is till March 2022). In the analysis below, I have considered only major planets’s effect like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
The combined two charts of USA and Partial Lunar eclipse chart is given below.

- Eclipse-Moon in 6th house is “Square” to Natal-Moon in the 3rd house. Also, Eclipse-Sun in 12th house is “Square” to Natal-Moon in the 3rd house.
There will be dispute (6th house) with some neighbouring countries (3rd house – in the present scenario, Afghanistan). The dispute will result into retalition (6th house). It can also be with any other country other than Afghanistan.
- Eclipse-Sun is “Trine” to Natal-Pluto
Cause = In 7th house In 2nd house
Action = In 12th house
Effect = Lord of 9th house Lord of 12th house
The top industrial houses (Sun and 7th house) looking out for funds (2nd house) due to losses (Pluto) and will be bailed out (12th house) by the Government. For this the Government will have to borrow from the international funding (9th house) organisations and also from its own sources (12th house). This means that more industries will face resource crunch which will have a burden on the exchequer.
- Eclipse-North Node is “Trine” to Nat-MC
Cause – 8th house 10th house
Actions – 6th house
Effect – 8th house (Mercury) Venus (7th house)
The Government (10th house) will commit more funds to retirement funds (North Node and 8th house) to satisfy the labour class (6th house). This will be through raising of bonds/some negotiable instruments (Mercury, 8th house) and/or could be through additional contribution/cess on traders/business houses (7th house).
It can also mean, that Government (10th house) will raise additional resources through borrowings (6th house) for financing COVID (6th house) and deaths (8th house) arising out of COVID, from the issue of bonds (8th house, Mercury)/business houses (7th house) by way of additional taxes.
This can also mean, the Government (10th house) will have to tackle the rising COVID pandemic (Rahu and 8th house) and other deseases (6th house). Thus will be financed through the additional taxes (8th house), through issue of bonds (Mercury) from the business community/public (7th house).
- Eclipse-IC (4th house) is “Conjunct” to Natal-Pluto
Cause = 4th house In 2nd house
Action = Transiting in 2nd house
Effect = Lord of MC in 10th house Lord of 12th house
There will be some natural calamity (IC and Pluto), which will involve commitment of funds (2nd house) to compensate for the losses (12th house). The natural calamity will be mostly earthquakes.
- Eclipse-Saturn is “Trine” to Natal-Uranus
Cause = In 10th house In 6th house
Action = Transiting in 2nd house
Effect = Lord of 2nd house Lord of 3rd house
The Government (10th house) in order to favour the lobour class (Saturn) and the high-skilled (Uranus) labour class (6th house), will increase in their minimum salaries (2nd house), the effect of which will result in increase of immigrants (3rd house) into the US.
- Eclipse-Saturn is “Conjunct” to Natal-South Node
Cause = In 10th house In 2nd house
Action = Transiting in 2nd house
Effect = Lord of 2nd house In the 6th house
(Dispositor of Node, Uranus)
The Government (10th house) will face resource cruch (South Node) and will raise addditional finance (2nd house) to combat current COVID (Ketu and 6th house). This finance (2nd house) will be doled out to finance the victims (6th house) and also towards research (Uranus) of vaccines for COVID (6th house). This means that the US will face increase in COVID and other epidemic cases.
- Eclipse-Uranus is “Sextile” to Natal-Sun
Cause = In 6th house In 7th house
Action = Transiting in 5th house
Effect = Lord of 3rd house Lord of 9th house
The top industrial houses (Sun and 7th house) will provide employment opportunities (6th house) for high-skilled (Uranus). These Companies will tap the equity markets (5th house) to finance their growth. The effect of this will be increase in the quota of visas (3rd and 9th house).
- Eclipse-Neptune is “Square” to Natal-Mars
Cause = In 9th house In 7th house
Action = Transiting in 3rd house
Effect = Lord of 3rd house (Part lord) Lord of 4th and 5th houses
The Government will be forced approve of some policies for the persons immigrating into USA (Neptune-travel and 9th house-immigration) from the war affected Afghanistan (Mars, and 7th house), due to which there will be re-adjustements in the immigration policies (3rd house) to accomodate households (4th house) and students/children (5th house) coming into USA.
It can also be read as, the Govt can be forced to war (Mars and 7th house) with some neighbouring countries (Afghanistan and 3rd house, 9th house) to get back its residual US citizens stranded in Afghanisthan back home (4th house) and some students studying in the Afghanistan (5th house). Presently, there is no exact statistics of how many US citizens are stranded in Afghanistan.
- Eclipse-Pluto is “Opposition” to Natal-Mercury
Cause = In 2nd house In 8th house
Action = Transiting in 2nd house
Effect = Lord of 12th house Lord of 7th and 9th house
There will be Opposition to some transformation/unique (Pluto) way of raising finance (2nd house) which could be by issue of bonds/some negotiable instruments (Mercury, 8th house). This is for taking care of increased expenditure (12th house) on various accounts, for financing defence expenditure/bail out businesses/etc (7th house), and higher education/airline industry/communications industry (9th house).
- On February 20, 2022 there will be return of Pluto to its natal position. I will write a separate article on this at a later date.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Faculty of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai.
Date: October 25, 2021
Time: 10.00 AM, Mumbai(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced by anyone without written permission of the Author).