Joe Biden will be very aggressive in his actions and of firm conviction. He will lead the country with firm conviction and will not tolerate any nonsense. This also has a flip side, where we can see Joe Biden will many times be extempore in taking decisions without consulting his people. This can be difficult for him. His health will be matter of concern. He needs to take extreme care of his health.
He will face difficulties in passing important bills and there can be blockades in implementation.
The labour laws will be made stricter. The visa (like H1B, etc) and other norms applicable for labour will be made more difficult. Under his leadership, the law and order will be more difficult.
On the day of Oath, there will problems in law and order.
He will face difficulties in implementation of vaccine roll-out. The cases of COVID/new virus will be on the rise.
There will be disputes within his team when it comes to passing important bills/policies.
The military under his leadership will be more aggressive and can get additionally deployed in other nations. There will be additional outlays on defence.
The relationship with other nations will be very cordial.
Under his leadership, art/entertainment/film/sports industry will be given more importance.
There will drain on the wealth of the country and stock markets can be overall bearish in nature.
The state of affairs in the country will not be cordial and there will be constant blockades from Republicans.
USA will be spied by some foreign allies on its activities.
Analysis: The Oath taking chart assumes important place in mundane astrology. The study of the chart gives the broad direction of the functioning of the incumbent president. Unlike India, where the Oath of PM is not on fixed date, the Oath taken by President of USA is always fixed for January 20 every year at 12 noon. The oath of office of the president of the United States is the oath or affirmation that the president of the United States takes after assuming the presidency. A newly elected or re-elected president of the United States begins their four-year term of office on the twentieth day of January following the election, and, by tradition, takes the oath of office during an inauguration on that date; prior to 1937 the president’s term of office began on March 4. If January 20 falls on a Sunday, the president will be sworn in that day by taking the oath privately, but will then re-take the oath in a public ceremony the next day, on January 21. The Oath is normally taken at 12 noon at White House, Washington, DC. So, the chart that I have used to analyse the Oath of Joe Biden, who will be the 46th President of United States has been set at 12 noon for January 20, 2021.
The Chart is given below.

The Asc rising is Aries at 20.01 degrees. The 1st house has Mars at 12.31 degrees and therefore very strongly placed. Aries is a fiery sign and added to it a fiery planet is also placed in the Asc. The Asc lord Mars is debilitated in the navamsa. This shows that Joe Biden will be very aggressive in his action and of firm conviction. He will lead the country with firm conviction and will not tolerate any nonsense. This also has a flip side, where we can see Joe Biden will many times be extempore in taking decisions without consulting his people. This can prove difficult for him. His health will be matter of concern. He needs to take extreme care of his health.
The panchang (Almanac) for the January 20, 2021 at 12 noon has Shukla Ashtami tithi, Wednesday, Ashwini nakshatra, Sadhya yoga and Vishti karana. As per the Simhasan Pancha naadi chakra, the Ashwini nakshatra falls in lowest naadi called “Aadhar”. This gives very limited power for him. He will face difficulties in passing important bills and there can be blockades in implementation. The Moon is in the Asc in Ashwini nakshatra and it is exalted in the navamsa, which is a welcome feature of the chart. However, the lord of Ashwini nakshatra, Ketu being placed in the 8th house will be a cause of concern for his health.
The day lord Mercury is placed in the 10th house of governance and its closely aspected by Rahu from the 2nd house. Hence, Mercury is under affliction. Mercury is the 6th lord and placed in the 10th house. This signifies that, he will be in constant fighting mode during his period of governance. He will be getting into constant controversies when it comes to governance. The labour laws will be made stricter. The visa (like H1B, etc) and other norms applicable for labour will be made more difficult. Under his leadership, the law and order will be more difficult. On the day of Oath, there will problems in law and order. He will face difficulties in implementation of vaccine roll-out. The cases of COVID/new virus will be on the rise. There will be disputes within his team when it comes to passing important bills/policies. The military under his leadership will be more aggressive and can get additionally deployed in other nations. There will be additional outlays on defence.
The 10th house has conjunction of Sun, Saturn and Jupiter. This signifies that under his leadership, the relationship with other nations will be very cordial. This is also confirmed by the presence of the 7th lord Venus in the 9th house at 20.57 degrees in Sagittarius. Under his leadership, art/entertainment/film/sports industry will be given more importance.
The 2nd house has Rahu, which signifies that there will drain on the wealth of the country and stock markets can be overall bearish in nature.
The 4th house signifying home affairs and Republicans is aspected by Mercury and Ketu. So, the state of affairs in the country will not be cordial and there will be constant blockades from Republicans.
Ketu is aspecting the 12th house of secret spies from the 8th house. So, it will be spied by some foreign allies on its activities.
Sundar Balakrishnan
B.Com., MFM Finance (NMIMS)
2 Year Jyotirvid and 3 Year Jyotirvisharad
(From Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai)
Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Sanskrit (From Mumbai University)
M A Sanskrit (Darshan) from Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur)
Professor of Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai
Date: January 11, 2020
Time: 1.00 PM, Mumbai, India
(Copyright – No portion of this article can be reproduced without the written permission of the Author)